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water Tap water question

Isn't the problem not that the the chlorine prevents good growth but some people are picky about what their plants may take up? The produce will be consumed at some point and different people worry about different things. I wouldn't eat chilli's that were grown with recycled water from human consumption and some people wont eat meat if it's not slaughtered the "right" way.

Is there any evidence of chlorine preventing chilli's from growing to normal standards?
Plain old tap water as it comes out of the hose is good enough for my peppers and they do fine. I have too many things to do to mess with fancy smancy water for my peppers. They grow outside and get rained on, get watered with a hose and seem to do just fine. Some things are just common sense and not worth bothering over.
It depends on where you live. Some of my plants get tap, sometimes aired out first and some get filtered water. The filtered water makes them much happier. I was lazy early in the season and I filled up my reservoir w/ tap. The plants looked pretty bad until I switched to filtered and now they look great. It's not just the high chloramine in my tap water, it's also hard with a very high pH. I think my tap comes out at 300+ ppm. Even after a brita it's not great to drink. Other peoples tap water is just fine and other plant/soil combination such as turf grass can tolerate poor quality water.

Here's what I recommend for anyone:
1. Save rainwater if you can
2. Get a tap water quality report
3. Aerate or bubble tap water overnight
4. If plants are not healthy w/ #3 then test ppm and pH
5. If test is high then find a suitable filter
6. If filter is not an option try different potting mix or amendments to counteract chlorine/pH etc...

Haven't tried it yet, but an aquarium test kit may be an option. If you don't test your own water, talk to people at a local aquarium, hydroponic, or home brew shop. Someone at one of those places will know how pure your local water is.
Didnt get to look over all of the posts, but if it hasnt been posted yet, I use one of the Pur Water Filter attachments for the faucet to use on my plants with water soluble foods for them. It works well. I did a study of my own with tap and with filtered tap, and both seemed to fair just as well. The filtered ones budded and bloomed faster and set a a lettle better when fruits came along.

Hope this helps.