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Tarantula Porn

Now if you're not comfortable watching spiders, specially large ones, then you may not want to click on this. I bred one of my female Avicularia versicolors today and decided to film it. Turned out pretty good.
Hope you enjoy it.
I hope you don't get mod alerted for posting this XXX beauty. One of them does not look like they are having very much fun. It just came to me Patrick.... I can do chile reviews you can do Spider reviews. You can describe them just like I describe the chiles. This is a rare Psalmopoeus Irminia she has an orange Nike "Swoosh" on her legs and brilliant colors on the abdomen. Se has a soft texture and produces a medium size egg sac. I think you would develop quite a following.
That was cool as hell man. We've discussed them before and I've had a couple when I was younger, but never got to experience that before. Thanks for sharing bro.
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! Seriously. Most folks not in the hobby run away from this type of thing. If the female is successful I'll be happy to make you all honorary uncles and send you your own little versicolor baby.

I can assure you they both enjoyed it. The male got to do his thing and when he was finished and walked away the female was left holding her pose for the next couple of minutes. In humans that's smoking time. :lol:
Pod guardians!

Patrick there were a heck of a lot of tanks at the end of that vid, how many do you have?

Cool vid thanks for sharing,

Best of luck with the breeding Patick! Those are gorgeous spiders, I still haven't had an adult though heh. I wish some of the adults kept their juvi coloration, they'd probably be more expensive because of the whole blue thing. :lol: I tried to message the guy I sold my PM and XI to but he hasn't gotten back to me. Well he let me know they arrived and were doing fine, I just asked some time later if he had posted any pics or found out if either were female. I'd kick myself if they were. haha
I hope you don't get mod alerted for posting this XXX beauty. One of them does not look like they are having very much fun. It just came to me Patrick.... I can do chile reviews you can do Spider reviews. You can describe them just like I describe the chiles. This is a rare Psalmopoeus Irminia she has an orange Nike "Swoosh" on her legs and brilliant colors on the abdomen. Se has a soft texture and produces a medium size egg sac. I think you would develop quite a following.
....the interesting part would be the taste test!!!!!
hehe-good show Patrick!
Almost the right music. I'm looking for the soundtrack for Deep Throat, soon as I find it I'll hook it up. :twisted:

Chad I have 55-60 adults and around 75 babies. The babies are for sale, it's my other hobby.
Almost the right music. I'm looking for the soundtrack for Deep Throat, soon as I find it I'll hook it up. :twisted:

Chad I have 55-60 adults and around 75 babies. The babies are for sale, it's my other hobby.

i'm valiantly clearing out my old office/put all the other stuff in here room-twill be the "lair",should be ready for the "slow season"(Jan/Feb).A room for the seed starts,and a spider or 2.....gotta be on the beach alot for both in the beginning ;)