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That Bastard's HOT!

Went over the remote garden yesturday to water b/c Eric's out of town in AZ. Found a Jolokia pod at the base of the pot with a large chunk taken out of it. There's probably a squirril out there somewhere that has learned it's lesson for peppers, lol.

It was way green and I decided to take a bite out of it and chuck the rest.....shit that was hotter than I remember!!!! Felt the layers on my tongue melting off. Can't wait for it to be ripe!!!!! :onfire:
imaguitargod said:
Went over the remote garden yesturday to water b/c Eric's out of town in AZ. Found a Jolokia pod at the base of the pot with a large chunk taken out of it. There's probably a squirril out there somewhere that has learned it's lesson for peppers, lol.

It was way green and I decided to take a bite out of it and chuck the rest.....shit that was hotter than I remember!!!! Felt the layers on my tongue melting off. Can't wait for it to be ripe!!!!! :onfire:

ha !.. i just did the same thing ! it was a first for me and i think it will be the last for me as well...

i cant believe the intense burning sensation in your mouth..i got the shakes and thought i was going to pass out... this happened about an hour ago and my mouth is still numb... never again !
For some reason I think those peppers I've got are going to kick my behind!!:shocked::lol: Also, if that was a squirrel that ate that bhut I'm sure he's not to far away looking for water, or shaking around like it had a seizure:lol:.....hey....if he finds his way to Michigan and I happen to shoot him do you already think he will be spiced?...LOL!!
imaguitargod said:
Went over the remote garden yesturday to water b/c Eric's out of town in AZ. Found a Jolokia pod at the base of the pot with a large chunk taken out of it. There's probably a squirril out there somewhere that has learned it's lesson for peppers, lol.

It was way green and I decided to take a bite out of it and chuck the rest.....shit that was hotter than I remember!!!! Felt the layers on my tongue melting off. Can't wait for it to be ripe!!!!! :onfire:

You should have remembered my friend...:lol:
Hotpeppa said:
i cant believe the intense burning sensation in your mouth..i got the shakes and thought i was going to pass out... this happened about an hour ago and my mouth is still numb... never again !

Yea right you'll be back.
We all say never again but never really mean it.!!
Remember the first time you drank too much, never again!
The first time you puffed to much green and you puked, never again!

But hey we all went back for more and it's the same with the super hots we all in back just to see if they really were that hot
imaguitargod said:
Went over the remote garden yesturday to water b/c Eric's out of town in AZ. Found a Jolokia pod at the base of the pot with a large chunk taken out of it. There's probably a squirril out there somewhere that has learned it's lesson for peppers, lol.

It was way green and I decided to take a bite out of it and chuck the rest.....shit that was hotter than I remember!!!! Felt the layers on my tongue melting off. Can't wait for it to be ripe!!!!! :onfire:
Good stuff isnt it lol
imaguitargod said:
I've never done that.....and I've smokedalot of green. :shocked:

Just no smokin' the peppers now....

No kidding, i saw a blog where dood ground up chiles and smoked em...good lord.
I will ALWAYS remember the first time - AND - LAST - TIME - I ate a Bhut raw. I will grow them and give them out to people that think they are (MAN) enough to eat one. Only 1 guy so far has not Screamed in pain. Now I do love to make sauce with them...........But Not Raw ! ! ! ! !
I am still about 3 months off having a ripe Bhut and i think it will be a nervous 3 months...Cause i know when the first one is ripe i'm going to have to eat it...
Hey MoyBoy, will you take the time to video your moment of extreme madness?
We all like to see grown men cry like babies!!
Thanks for the seeds too:)
rabbit said:
if he finds his way to Michigan and I happen to shoot him do you already think he will be spiced?...LOL!!

IDK about that but ya could buy some spiced shotgun shells (shotgun shells w/shot that is compressed spice) to shoot it with to prep if for the grill :lol: I saw it somewhere on the internet & they do sell them!
I must admit i diddnt think my mouth my throat would stop burning and the the whole of my back of my throat was in pain..Plus in my stomach it was like trying to be sick for a short while really painful..Dorset by the way :)
Naga or no, ya shoudl try one of my 'funky habs'....

They are insane. I just puit a minced whole one on a hotdog..and it's killin.
chilehunter said:
IDK about that but ya could buy some spiced shotgun shells (shotgun shells w/shot that is compressed spice) to shoot it with to prep if for the grill :lol: I saw it somewhere on the internet & they do sell them!
I guess they have EVERYTHING for sale on the internet...:lol::lol::lol::!!!! Definitely a different way of flavor injecting that's for sure...lol!!