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chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

I am finally getting full sized Aji Jobito pods and have about 30 of them ready to pick. It is a very strange pepper compared to what I have grown before. For the first two months they produced these very small pods less han a half inch in diameter, and didn't taste all that good. They had a green pepper type of taste at first. Now I am getting pods up to 2 inches in diameter. Just the other day, I tried one that had the great taste I was hoping for. They color up yellow, and when they sit on the plant a few more days they get a slight orange color, like some other yellows do. This extra ripe one was the best tasting compared to the plain yellow ones. These still had a slight green pepper taste, but once they get slightly darker, it lost that taste completely. Finally, the great pepper I have waited for. The first seed sprouted in July of 2015 and now in May of 16, my first full sized great tasting pod. That is a long time. Good thing I have greenhouses to grow them in. Tom
Spicy Mushroom said:
^ So I suppose the moral of the story is to harvest them when they are yellow-orange. Good to know! :)

Those are good ones. Of all the baccatums I grew last year the only one I liked more than those two was Aji Amarillo.
Ya GIP sent me some of that Aji Amarillo powder...wow that stuff was good.
They are FANTASTIC!    The first bite at the blossom end you get that big spicy/flowery bouquet of flavor that is definitely unmistakably habanero..BUT..without the HEAT.   As I continued to munch on the crispy flesh I can only compare it to tastes of Apricot/Mango.  YeSSSSSsss!!!  Wonderful!
Wonderful sweetish pepper.  Towards the placenta and stem you are greeted with a "Kiss" of heat...reminiscent of a medium hot Anaheim BUT with all the flavor of a Habanero.  
Yeh, they are worth it and live up to the Hpye.  I'll definitely keep some of these in the patch from here on out.
It's been ten minutes since eating, and the wonderful nutty habanero flavor is still lingering.   Another?   Why Not..... :lol:
Streamer said:
They are FANTASTIC!    
 Another?   Why Not..... :lol:
Maybe you mentioned earlier and I don't remember (wouldn't be my first time!) but about how long from blossom to ripe fruit?
cone9 said:
Maybe you mentioned earlier and I don't remember (wouldn't be my first time!) but about how long from blossom to ripe fruit?
You are correct.  I did not mention that.  If I had to guess, I'd say the same time as any other pepper.  :think:
MarcV said:
Hmmm... habanero taste... jobito won't be for me then...
Too bad, because I already have seeds...
But I can still grow them just for fun though! :)
Grow them!  They are beautiful peppers.  If not, do a  GAW !   ;)
Hello friends, I am pleased that liked my Jobitos really are great about red peppers, and beg you to cultivate without any problem, with God's favor. I also want to thank everyone for the donations they have done for my family, really I thank you so great gesture of solidarity, have no idea how they have helped my family in these days of tough policy and food crisis., But would like to inform a little of what is happening in my country. due to the serious political crisis, became scarce food to the point that practically are not achieved or are very expensive, no bath soap, toothpaste, toilett paper, shampoo, among others, my friends can not send food or medicines from other countries, as the government's bans and confiscates, in my city the day yesterday began looting supermarkets, bakeries, pharmacies, among other businesses, the situation is extremely complicated, have 15 days my little girl is not going to school that is exhausted from lack of food, and this situation is exacerbated by their early development. I have lost 12 kg of weight, I spend more than 12 hours on the street looking for food, electricity goes daily more than 4 hours, the internet is very bad. Friends Socialist political system is crap, that just wants to have people kneeling to control and do not want the system will starve. Well I do not want to delve deeper into this matter as it gives me a lot of anguish and depression. but I want to say again thank all members of this great community Thehotpepper.com, you are amazing people, and I have them in my prayers every day, Thank you friends
I am today

Hello Lindberg,
I am sorry to hear the conditions in your country are becoming even more difficult for you and your countrymen.   It appears, at least from our perspective, there is little hope for change in Venezuela.
I am growing the Jobito, Rosita Red and Margariteno and am excited to try them.   The others would not germinate for me.  I was most disappointed that Llaneron failed for me, but I will try again next year.
Can you still make use of your PayPal account?  I made another addition.  It is not much but I hope will be of some help.  Be safe.
any way that food/medicine could be sent to a forum member in a central american country and repackaged and shipped to Fig?
that way a care package wouldn't be marked out as coming from the USA? sounds like money won't really be doing Fig much good anymore...
I've seen a glog recently by new member Willow in Panama? maybe he could forward food packages?
or would the government rip open any package even from a central american country?
Malarky said:
any way that food/medicine could be sent to a forum member in a central american country and repackaged and shipped to Fig?
that way a care package wouldn't be marked out as coming from the USA? sounds like money won't really be doing Fig much good anymore...
I've seen a glog recently by new member Willow in Panama? maybe he could forward food packages?
or would the government rip open any package even from a central american country?
We are currently working on a way to get food shipped into them. The biggest issue is their customs, and the fact that some of their postal workers are not as... honest, about opening packages and helping themselves.
Right now, some limited food stuffs can be sent with Fed X but it is expensive and rather confusing on how to do the customs forms. As soon as we have a reliable way to send food stuffs, we will make that information available. You are of course welcome to send a fed ex care package yourself. ( Do not send cash of any kind in such a package! Any Meds you send could cause the package to be halted at customs and never delivered.
Would it be possible to put some supplies on a boat and deliver it directly to a Venezuelan port? Does anyone here live in Florida and have access to a boat that could be hired to make the trip?
Out of 5 seeds of each variety I ended up with 4 Jobito, 2 Margaretino, 1 Rosita Red. The others did not germinate for me. I just now started sprouting 9 more seeds of each variety today so I will let y'all know how it goes. The Jobito started off strong but now 2/4 are suffering some kind of deficiency which has yellowed the leaves and retarded growth. I added more fertilizer but it didn't seem to help much. A few days ago I sprinkled some epsom salt and gypsum on the soil which seems like it may be helping, but it's too soon to tell. The Margaretinos are also stunted, probably from the same cause, and the Rosita got stressed out early and died. I have a number of different peppers varieties growing in the same soil (pine tree humus with sand mixed in) and some are doing great while others have issues. I think it is likely a calcium/magnesium deficiency, so we'll see how the epsom salt/gypsum helps. 

Fertilizer is Espoma organic 4-3-3. 