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The big badass pasta thread

I've seen that a pasta throwdown has been done. And i've seen beautiful and interesting things!
So... Why not a pasta thread?
Pasta is, of course, my main lunch dish. Simple, cheap, good and recommended form dietist. What do you need more? Well if you could eat 200g of it with an heavy ragù and still ok with dietist, but nothing is perfect! :D
There's an huge amount of types (shapes, ingredients, if it's fresh or dry, whith or without eggs, etc) that can be used with another huge amount of toppings (tomato, salsa, ragù, meat, fish, seafood, cheese, vegetables, etc... Even in soup!). In my opinion there are little combinations that don't make good use of hot peppers...
Here a nice simple recipe, Spaghetti with anchovies, capers and hot pepper.
There are some very basic and empirical cooking tips if someone is new to pasta...
Here another simple recipe (many thanks to Umberm from pepperfriends.com forum for the excellent recipe and the permission to use it here!):
Pasta pangrattato e peperoncino! Pasta with grated bread and hot pepper!
Somewhat remembers pasta "aglio, olio, peperoncino" (garlic, oil, hot pepper)...
Note that this is a base, you can add the spices you like better with bread when roasting it, or also in the oil...
But even in this very simple form it's very good!
  • pasta (long as spaghetti or short as macaroni at you discretion)
  • toasted breadcrumbs
  • evo oil
  • hot peppers
  • water
  • cooking salt (to cook pasta on water)
  • spices (optional and not used here)

I used 2 peperocini calabresi.
Preparing ingredients:
cut finely peppers and put in evo oil:

if you can keep peppers in oil  for some hours is better, anyway it's good if it's done only during pasta cooking time too...
Short moment of contemplation, this is my everyday topping for pasta!
Now you can start to heat water to cook pasta...
You need to toast breadcrumbs in a pan:

You need to cook until it becomes darker for some minutes like that:

Very important: you must stir this nearly continuously to prevent burning!
Then, you strain pasta and stir with pepper/oil and bread.
If you want you can pan fry adding other oil to amalgamate it better. I didn't.
Here when it's ready:

Share recipes and post pics! :D
That's weird it tasted bad boiled. I like gnocchi. I guess it has to be fresh.
I've loads of homegrown garlic that risk to rot.
I made an effort to prevent that.

Like pesto but with no pinenuts but with anchovies.

I used all garlic head (discarded one and half cloves that was bad).

Blended with evo, Grana Padano, fatalii powder, some anchovy fillets.

Then some trivelle that are particularly good with pesto, nearly at trenette level, and more cheese.
I have no idea what to call this, but chicken casserole.  Chipotle grilled chicken, egg noodles, sauteed mushrooms, onions, mushrooms, yellow bell pepper, broccoli, garlic alfredo sauce, topped with panko bread crumbs and baked.  Served with Caesar salad and garlic bread.  I like mine topped with JHP's Lemon Drop powder.








Pasta with garlic and tuna!

Turkish garlic!

2 cloves are like half of an onion.
Also it's fresh from those days (and it's 10 times better).

Usual pan...

Then a dried piri piri, an hint of chocolate bht, salt, pepper mix, some passata, yellow and red bell, tuna and cook with white wine.
Cooked some ziti:

So good!
I really appreciate your dedication to aesthetics (color, but also shapes/slicing) in particular ...
I don't know if I like tuna steak (yet, I'm going to order some soon - along w/ swordfish), but it looks great ...