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The difference between THP and the real world

Screw you pal. How dare you!

ugh, the gall in all these giving THPeer's. It sucks doesn't it?

I wish I could have jumped on the bandwagon and thanked you for your generosity, just to piss you off!

Seriously, it IS people like you that keep this place AWESOME.
Thank you for that post, it was so well written, and embodies what THP is all about... An escape from the real world, with considerate and kind people that choose every [typed] word carefully. Especially when offering/receiving gifts.

Your perspective is money. We all can learn from it.

Friend request coming.... :)
I guess that makes sense, people who aren't in need aren't going to be thankful.

A sad fact of this age we are living in.

I live in a yuppie area and believe me, I've seen my fair share of unthankfulness and ungraciousness.

I've had enough and I'm actually moving in a few days. One of the main reasons being the area and people who live here. I can't handle it anymore.

(Don't get me wrong, I've still met some very nice people here--mainly others who are not yuppies, but sadly, it feels like they are the minority).
Nope I am the same way, I don't normally engage in conversation with random people unless I absolutely have to. Since I already knew someone had stolen my harvest bins, I probably wouldnt have been very pleasant anyway.

LOL, sorry, i just saw that there holding your tomatoes, LOL, my bad, i thought it was jsut random person holding a bag of tomatoes. I need to learn to read better. I thought you were pissed cause the person didnt talk to you, didnt realize it was your tomatoe they were holding.
Today money is God; Stature is Possessions; and Compassion is a Joke

Something about that reminded me of these Todd Snider lyrics...

They say 92 percent of everything you learned in college was just bull**** you'll never need
84 percent of everything you got you bought to satisfy your greed
Because 90 percent of the world's population links possessions to success
Even though 97 percent of the wealthiest 1 percent of the population
Drinks to an alarming excess
More money, more stress, I guess...


Evidently he changes the numbers a bit during live shows. ;)
Gassy's movin to Twisp... yup.



Haha. I would if I could! The people there sound cool. ;) I reckon it would be a ball to have 'em as neighbours. :cheers:

Just moving further away from the city to the burbs at this point...... back to the old hood where I grew up. Looking eventually to make it out to the country. Cya hustle, bustle, traffic and all that crap!
I lived in Atlanta for a few years. Too much traffic, heat, and humidity. It was a trifecta that could send even Ghandi into a towering rage. Now, I live back in the midwest, where the closest thing I have to traffic is waiting for a straightaway to pass a cattle trailer. I make about twice as much, and rent is 1/3 the cost... and we generally have seasons, as opposed to friggin hot right into a couple of cold days, and then back to friggin hot again. Of course I exaggerate a bit, but you get the gist. :) I am not cut out for that climate. My blood is too thick, I suppose.
Great post.

It is so true..

I work in retail and we offer free produce or produce samples all the time, well have a good sized sign starting please throw your sample rinds or pits in the garbage can below you. Well have literally 3 garbage cans surrounding the area and people will literally spit/throw the cherry pit or melon rind right back into the sample bowl or onto the display of produce itself. I mean REALLY right now?! Glad you liked your free melon.. no worries.. I got it, I'll clean up your nasty mess for you too, don't worry! I'll get to it right after I get chewed out by the upset customer that sees the nastiness before I do... it will be my pleasure. Thanks for shopping here!
Bad Form.

I lost my faith in people a long time ago..
But after lurking THP for a little while I saw how freaking weird, totally messed up, and abnormal everyone was and knew I had to join.. Finally a place where I can fit in! :lol:
I lived in Atlanta for a few years. Too much traffic, heat, and humidity. It was a trifecta that could send even Ghandi into a towering rage. Now, I live back in the midwest, where the closest thing I have to traffic is waiting for a straightaway to pass a cattle trailer. I make about twice as much, and rent is 1/3 the cost... and we generally have seasons, as opposed to friggin hot right into a couple of cold days, and then back to friggin hot again. Of course I exaggerate a bit, but you get the gist. :) I am not cut out for that climate. My blood is too thick, I suppose.

I lived about 100 miles south of Atlanta for a couple years and I totally understand. I would drive through Atlanta about once a month and when I drove through it for the last time I vowed to never, ever step foot in that city again. Where I live is still quite a bit country but I drive into St. Louis everyday to work. Hopefully I can move a bit further out one day, but being married to a woman who grew up in London proper, its going to take a while to convince her. She loves the Midwest for the same reasons you do, seasons. You don't get that in London, and she lived in Georgia for 6 years as well.

Great post.

It is so true..

I work in retail and we offer free produce or produce samples all the time, well have a good sized sign starting please throw your sample rinds or pits in the garbage can below you. Well have literally 3 garbage cans surrounding the area and people will literally spit/throw the cherry pit or melon rind right back into the sample bowl or onto the display of produce itself. I mean REALLY right now?! Glad you liked your free melon.. no worries.. I got it, I'll clean up your nasty mess for you too, don't worry! I'll get to it right after I get chewed out by the upset customer that sees the nastiness before I do... it will be my pleasure. Thanks for shopping here!
Bad Form.

I lost my faith in people a long time ago..
But after lurking THP for a little while I saw how freaking weird, totally messed up, and abnormal everyone was and knew I had to join.. Finally a place where I can fit in! :lol:

There is one place that I have found that exists, in a physical form, on this planet, that seems like the place for people like us. It is called Jerome, AZ. The town motto is "we are all here, because we are not all there". It is, in actuality, just a desert tourist trap, but the people who work in the stores and restaurants some of the nicest and most interesting people I have met. We met a guy who owns a glitter store...literally a store for just glitter. Next door was The Jerome Ghost Pepper Company (great salsa BTW), and a cafe. While we waited for the salsa store to open, the owner of the glitter store insisted we take a tour, the cafe owner insisted we sit down and have some free water and breakfast scones instead of standing in front of the salsa shop for 10 minutes.

Thanks everyone the good conversation and the reassurance has made me forget what I was even so pissed about.
I'll +1 that! They could use the produce more too. The food banks across the country are reporting fewer contributions in the tougher economy.

You would be surprised at how difficult some food banks can be about produce donations. Many of them have their own community gardens and won't take the produce, most won't take your produce if they don't "know" you pretty well. Food banks, at least here in St. Louis, are very reliant on staples and foods with long shelf lives.

The soup kitchen is a little easier, and will take the relatively small amount of produce we generally have left over.
Good on you, Brian. I took some ripe Biker Billy's to work last week, and was amazed it took four days for them to disappear. About 2-3 people thanked me - and I took in 10 small sacks with 20 pods in each sack. I've learned not to take in harvesting containers. And when I have given away plants, I never got my starter pots or carriers back either. But most folks on THP are different. Considerate, respectful, and thankful for what you gave them. A great community for the most part.
I hate to think this sute went from user friendly to commercial friendly. What a shane but understand when you have to pay bills. Do the political way and screw the one who wants to enjoy a hobby!

Ghostpepperstore, I wonder...... if you put the box of goods out with a coffee can and a note "Please pay .25 per item" would people in the office pay that, or be offended?

Side note- My parents live in a fairly busy rural road and they have a small orchard. They can't use all the apples so they put the apples in a laundry basket out by the road with paper bags and a sign "free apples, please use paper bags" and guess what....someone takes the laundry basket.... happened more than once........
actually here in my area we do that ! People do leave money for the produce they got. I put out over 500 qts of honey and 100 qts of salsa along with fresh produce.. No probs here from those that are happy to get good stuff
actually here in my area we do that ! People do leave money for the produce they got. I put out over 500 qts of honey and 100 qts of salsa along with fresh produce.. No probs here from those that are happy to get good stuff

Thanks for sharing that, hixs! Keeps the faith in humanity going.