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The Dollar Menu Dare!

I may work in a crazy hospital but 15 years of it has not made me this crazy. Imma have to put money in Charlie since ive seen him already do stuff like this. HH. U one crazy mofo. Who's gonna take care of the bitterhalf?!

KD...... Do we need to have beef? Are you calling me bitter??? Or are you implying that after HH is done he will be bitter??? HHHMMMMM...........
Dont worry HH you can go get a crown at burger king and be the chump for a day oh i meant champ

We want the video of you singing this to the better half when its all over.

Biz I have seen some of your Vids and I must say you are good with this heat stuff. However, HH is pretty insane about his heat too. Many times I have thought I'd have to take him to the ER but he somehow takes it and comes out a little sore but overall fine. Good luck!!!!
good idea, an extra rule

All drippings from burgers must be eaten.

I have thought about that, but making it a rule might encourage excessive amounts of condiments. I experimented a little, and keeping 1/4 oz of powder on a McDouble with a reasonable amount of condiments should be quite easy.

Eating 2 of them in 10 minutes is another story...
I love the ads that pop up on certain threads..... I have a McDonalds ad and then one for Counting Calories...... :lol:

I am easily amused, I guess......
NO! Lick up all the condiments!!! That was one of the rules of the WingDome challenge we endured a couple years ago in Seattle. I can see the sauces splooging out and a person getting 1/2 dose cuz it's on the plate, or wrapper, or box.....

Well, it's Musky's show, he makes the rules. :) Musky's probably got all this figgered out anyways~~~

carry on...
Hey fan man, you seem to have a lot of ideas for this contest, I say you pony up on this and make it exciting! :) or at least join in on the fun :)

JK of course!

Here you Biz

I agree with SL - dropped out condiments ahluld be consumed - lick it up!

If someone uses excessive condiments to "thin it out" it'll be obvious - and since this is likely to come down to tiebreaker decided by the community, no ones gonna win who tries that.

C'mon Musky - one more rule. Pleeeeeaaase?

What about eating it over a tortilla then eat the tortilla

I'd oppose this - tortilla has grease in it which absorbs some oils. No tortilla-thinning!
I might be on something but I think a tortilla even with a little dribble on it may decrease the afterburn........... like I said I could be on something. Remember MM said that you can't use a whole cup of mayo or other cond. so in my thinking if you follow that rule there shouldn't be dripage.......

just my .02......
Agree HHBH - that said, drippage may happen accidental-like.

For what it's worth, I don't understand how my 1-man "like-a-thon" is still rolling. I think the Boss totally removed all liking restrictions for the new year? :woohoo:
So that gets licked off the plate or wrapper.... no tortilla, imo.

I used to really like the brand of sour cream called IMO.... cant find it anymore.... i miss it :(

Back to the show.........
If it were me, i would squeeze the burger real tight to get as much of the pepper to squeeze out whilst eating it. I wouldn't do that if I had to lick up what fell out haha.
ever heard about the cobblers children who have no shoes, or the mechanic who's car doesn't run?

ever heard the story of the painters on a jobsite who had a ghettoblaster blasting music when the sparkies asked them to turn it down? Painters went to lunch..

"220, 221...whatever it takes....."

out go the lights~ :cool:

for the record, it's 240.... ,,,,,,