food The Drunken Chef

here's my multi-tasking genius for this evening..

on the left we have bolegnese for lasagne and on the right we have sweet chilli sauce cooling off to be bottled :)

texas blues said:
Too late...I gotta' split and hit the sack before mrs. blues catches me here posting on THP. She thinks I'm doing something more surfing gay midget porn. (Pippy)

And yet you're still here. Go tend to your woman!
tonights dinner.. lasagne and chips.. lacking in heat so some sauce applied to ramp it up a bit.. that sauce is good for chip dunkin! I even got the ultimate compliment on last nights snitzel too this afternoon.. my snitzel is better than MrMels mums!!
looks good mel...mrmel is a lucky man...and you can tell him I said that....
Lasagne and chips I can understand. The chix for "bread" is a whole 'nuther brand of chaos unfamiliar to me. I give it a 7 on the weird shit-o-meter.
I kinda like it, cuts down on a whole lot of carbs.... ;)

later all, time to go rock the Elephant....