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food The Drunken Chef

Yes SL, they are welcome along...but must keep us ladies supplied with drinks at all times :beer:

You got that right, McHottie! :cheers:

I can do that.
"Oh, Cabana-boy~~~"


I'm cuter than that....

....AND you know how to cook, clean, and make hot sauce!

I bet that other boy wouldn't even know which end of a bhut to kiss.
I guess that makes Paul a Cabana Boy and the other a Cabana Toy?


If they don't know which end of a bhut to kiss, they ain't worth the time-o-day~~~~

:lol: It's all in good fun. We'd par-tay with any of y'all. And if it was on a tropical island being waited on hand and foot......OOOHHH YEEEAAAAHHHH!

:tropicalsteeldrumband: :dance:
I'll bring the hot dogs and pizza...

Hmmm...This is a suspicious post for me.
First, those don't look like hot dogs. They look like chii dogs, which deserve recognition.
Second, those pizzas are suspiciously perfectly round.
Third, there is no attempt to explain how any of this food was cooked.

...Which leads me to one possible conclusion.
JT has created the PERFECT drunken chef entry.
Cheap hot-dogs with canned hot-dog chili and pre-shredded cheese does not merit explanation. Preformed pizza also does not require much discussion, even if homemade toppings are thrown on top.
Also, the lack of explanation supports an abundance of consumption, which speaks to the very spirit of the drunken chef.

JT keeps us guessing every time.
He has jedi powers.
FD you are RIGHT ON THE MONEY! I did not want to show my hand with the homemade crust with the challenge that will come my way with the upcoming throwdown (not to mention I just got home from work-well... the bar after work-and was directed to make pizzas) and the dogs were exactly as you said but with AJ's puree in the chili. It was all en fuego. I have another entry for tonight. This one is also almost homemade.
Well.... I had a slice of pizza at Sbarro's at the airport tonight..... would have preferred JayT's pizza with a cold beer any day.
Well.... I had a slice of pizza at Sbarro's at the airport tonight..... would have preferred JayT's pizza, THP's ribs, TB's poppers and a foo-foo drink being served by Pauly and MMcD on a tropical island any day...

All this talk of cabanas and bananas is well and good but in the interests of drunken cheffing I am about to embark on a creamy chilli chicken pasta adventure, which I will share with you with pictures. And yes I will be drunk. :beer: