Hmmmmm frangelico that is homemade?!!? I'm pretty sure I need the dets!!
Well, I haven't made it yet, so I really can't say if it's good or not. But it sounds viable!
I found this recipe online...
1/2 lb hazelnuts, finely chopped
1 1/2 c. vodka
1/3 c. sugar
3Tbs water
1 tsp vanilla
In a glass bottle, steep chopped nuts in vodka for 2 wks, in a cool, dark place, shaking bottle every day. Strain contents thru a regular sieve, pressing nuts to release all their flavor. Follow with 2 more strainings thru slightly dampened cheesecloth. (for true clarity, pour strained mixture thru a coffee filter inside a funnel) In a very small saucepan, combine sugar & water, bring to boil over med-hi heat. Simmer, uncovered, 5 min. Let cool to room temp. Stir in vanilla. Funnel strained hazelnut mixture into glass bottle, then funnel in the sugar syrup. Cover tightly, shake to blend. Let mature, at room temp, or slightly cooler, for at least 3 weeks.
So, see? It's about a 5 week process. If I start it now, it'll be ready by Valentine's Day!!!!!

If anyone else beats me to it, let me know how it turns out!!!!!