Phase one complete......
lookin good, Impy!!!
(Yummy lookin' beer too!)
lookin good, Impy!!!
(Yummy lookin' beer too!)
paulky_2000 said:Not burnt.....
They look wonderful!!! I bet they're HOT!!!
Pepperfreak had a wonderful looking meal. Had me drooling here.
ImpyChick said:Thanks. I don't do this very often anymore since I'm getting (kinda) serious about losing some weight. But I just needed to do this again!
ImpyChick said:They are!!! I love that Dave's Ghost Pepper sauce. Great flavor & heat so it's the perfect addition to wing sauce.
AlabamaJack said:that sounds sooooo good to my hungoverlatenightkeepingmusician self right now...I am just eating some cereal to see if it will stay down...