another yesterday's meal-
Sunday afternoon, and what's for dinner?
Hey all you Drunken Chef's out there,
Actually, it was for us, but we was thinkin' of y'all while drinkin'and grillin'.
brat's getting happy- These brats are made in the butcher shop at our local grocery store, where they cut all the beef, grind the burger, smoke a lot of stuff in their smoker, and also sell local lamb, elk, bison, and poultry. Plus we have the independent butcher in town also. (yea, I'm bragging a little)
Spicy Hashbrowns in the cast iron...always a good thang! Hashbrowns, onion, chile de arbol powder
another outside shot, just because it was such a beautiful spring day. LOOK! DAFFODILS! And the hummingbirds are back! I think one of them was still wearing his sombrero~ (he's sucking on the feeder as I type right now)
Brats, hashbrowns with chile de arbol and onion, corn with fatalii puree and more chile de arbol powder and butter.
Nuthing too spectacular, but the day made it all the better.
Today, it was snowing again...