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The End is Coming....Preview

Well, I trim all my peppers plants in the garden like you did Chris, no brances no leafs in one week all pods will ripe so I can pull everything out of garden let it dry than burn it & prepare soil roto-tilled for next comming season.After all commotion this year all weather elements it was indeed very good season after all.
imaguitargod said:
: rushes to put stolen goods back ::lol:

I thought I was the only who knew of their plans....
No unfortunately i also told a couple friends too.
If they don't come today I will look like an even crazier fool than I already do.
oh well:cool:
ABurningMouth said:
No unfortunately i also told a couple friends too.
If they don't come today I will look like an even crazier fool than I already do.
oh well:cool:

Damn fine avatar A.B.M and chris stop putting the rest of us to shame,saying that just got back after a few days and have had lots ripen so you gotta love those autumn days :)
Today was the end for a lot of my plants. I'm about to toss in the towel. I uplifted a lot of plants and picked more pods. I'm thrilled that 90-95% of my pods ripened on all super hots. I trimmed the branches way back to encourage final ones to ripen if frost doesn't hit first.

The weather is still nice here! I'm a bit worn out gardening and every year I hit a point where I'm ready to take a break. I'm there. Now, I will concentrate on Fall crops and amending my soil in raised beds.

I also grow annual ryegrass in unplanted area around this time as a oover crop. It helps a lot!

The last amendment idea is to take tons of shredded leaves when ready in about 3+ weeks and lay them on top of the soil. THis further encourages earthworms. It's all a cycle. :)

I've still got stragglers in the greenhouse. Maybe 10 plants are still outside. I particularly hope my Rocotos will ripen, but i'm not counting on it. :( The bird peppers are now 98% wiped out intentionally.

What a year!

Same here I cut all branches & leafs & I will give it another week so the pods ripe after that I will pull everything in the middle of garden & burn it then I will rotto-tilled it & add some more cow manuer to be ready for next comming spring.I'm so tired to deseeding god now how many pods I did getting realy tired got give rest. Still I have bunch plants in the basement they flowering & some of those I trim new leafs comming out have bunch cutting hope for the best they grow I can see on some of those like C.Lanceolatum ,C.Galapagoense & Purple Chicanna roots start forming in Aeroflo 20. If by any chance go well I will have lot of those next comming season.Next spring I will start lot of wild variety & all those super hots.