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The Fluorescent Grow Challange...

Onefowl1..I am going to be starting some seeds in rockwool for my drip system hydro up top in my grow area. How long can they stay like in a plastic tray and just moist till i "have" to put them in the drip system?? Ive always started with clones and peat pucks, but figured i would give rockwool a try...maybe showcase exactly how a first timer with rockwool from seed might do... LOL...any suggestions for me??
I am a newbie to using rockwool myself. I was reading online somewhere that using it helps keep them from crown rot but we will see. I am pleased with them so far and the nats seem to avoid it.

I have several full size plants in the basement under flouros which I had planned to keep growing over the winter, not just let them go dormant. So when this grow challenge came up, I threw my hat in the ring, since I was going to have the lights and heat on anyway, and I am NOT a pro-grower at all! Figured I'd muddle my way through, scrapping together as I usually do.

So Far, the seeds have sprouted super-fast. 1F1 said they were a short season type chile, so I'm fully expecting green pods at least, after 60 days.

Grow Update- I have 10 sprouts!

1F1- You're back on with pics! :woohoo:
I have several full size plants in the basement under flouros which I had planned to keep growing over the winter, not just let them go dormant. So when this grow challenge came up, I threw my hat in the ring, since I was going to have the lights and heat on anyway, and I am NOT a pro-grower at all! Figured I'd muddle my way through, scrapping together as I usually do.

So Far, the seeds have sprouted super-fast. 1F1 said they were a short season type chile, so I'm fully expecting green pods at least, after 60 days.

Grow Update- I have 10 sprouts!

1F1- You're back on with pics! :woohoo:
Yep got their internet set back up for them tonight and they are working so I am playing. :dance: I mean posting or both. :lol:
I am a newbie to using rockwool myself. I was reading online somewhere that using it helps keep them from crown rot but we will see. I am pleased with them so far and the nats seem to avoid it.


Nice start with the rockwool.....if you bottom water they'll wick the water up pretty fast.... :)
Just keep an eye on overwatering the young seedlings.

There all lookin goot, All mine are up, I have been eying 3 for dirt, that are doing better than the others, and 1 to pic outta 2 for the DWC. I can see the tiniest start of leaves on 2... :beer:
Just keep an eye on overwatering the young seedlings.

Thanks Greg. Okay let me explain a little more detail on how I started these in rockwool as a couple comments/points have been made to them. After the first drench to balance the ph and rinse the rockwool I have only watered them twice, so up to this point about every 3 days. I lightly poor room temp water on to them, then while gentally holding the side of them as a group to not brake any of the little guys I tip lid base and all over half way and drain any excess water off. Twice a day once in morning and again in the evening I lift a few of the plugs and look at the surface between them and the lid. If still beaded with moisture/condensation then all is good and if it is dry but the plugs are still damp to the touch it is time to water them again. This was what was passed along to me as a suggestion to prevent over watering by another type of hydro grower. :lol: If they were not on a heat mat at between 80 and 85 degrees they would have stayed wetter a lot longer I am sure. Hope this helps those looking to try this method.

Okay all plugs are showing their heads now so let me expand on this as well. I did a side test with the seed as well. There are 12 plugs in all 6 from seed that had been dried the same time as the seed I sent out to the others in this and 6 from fresh harvested seed straught from non dried fruit of the plant to the rockwool to see if it would work. Well it did but they did take about 3 days longer consistant. All 6 from dried seed hooked at day 3 and up at day 5 and 6 and the fresh all hooked at day 6 and are just brakeing the surface of the rockwool.The six in the middle are the dried seed plugs.


and now under their growlights
5 Day Update #2

Here's mine so far...



In case you're wondering.. Yes, I am using net pots with a soil mix. I'm not going to be doing any hydro stuff, just wanted to see how air pruning would work for this challenge. I'm hoping in a couple weeks I'll start to notice a jump in growth over others using traditional pots. I suppose time will tell if this approach / application works or not, but what better time to experiment than now? I do have several larger 'real' 14 liter air pots I'll be using this next coming season out on my deck (see below) that should help me make some nice large productive pepper plants.


Here's some info about these if you're interested in finding out a little more about them:

That's all for now.. next update in 5 more days!

Indy :onfire:
Lookin good indy, mine are in the same state as yours... I bet the net pot will work, but man ya gotta babysit them to keep them from gettin to dry. I picked up more 1 liter airpots today, so I'll put 2 in them, 1 in a normal pot of equal proportions, and 1 in DWC I swapped a couple out into those 2 weeks ago, and they are surpassing the others, same seed ,soil, everything... by a noticeable difference in a short time. They have the 5 gallon now too, so I'll give them a go next year on a few I wanna overwinter... :beer:
Have the day off, so I am updating my pics now hehe. Everyone is up and looking good, I take the lid off in the afternoons and put it back on in the evening and occasionally put it on the radiator to keep the heat up inside. Well, here they are.



How is everyone else doing?
My macro sucks, but I found out if I use a magnifying glass, it helps a lot... so thats the reason.

I'm starting to get small leaves there gettin a weak fish juice, and get misted when they do. My 2 in the cubes ar coming along well too.

Thanks Greg. Okay let me explain a little more detail on how I started these in rockwool as a couple comments/points have been made to them. After the first drench to balance the ph and rinse the rockwool I have only watered them twice, so up to this point about every 3 days. I lightly poor room temp water on to them, then while gentally holding the side of them as a group to not brake any of the little guys I tip lid base and all over half way and drain any excess water off. Twice a day once in morning and again in the evening I lift a few of the plugs and look at the surface between them and the lid. If still beaded with moisture/condensation then all is good and if it is dry but the plugs are still damp to the touch it is time to water them again. This was what was passed along to me as a suggestion to prevent over watering by another type of hydro grower. :lol: If they were not on a heat mat at between 80 and 85 degrees they would have stayed wetter a lot longer I am sure. Hope this helps those looking to try this method.

Okay all plugs are showing their heads now so let me expand on this as well. I did a side test with the seed as well. There are 12 plugs in all 6 from seed that had been dried the same time as the seed I sent out to the others in this and 6 from fresh harvested seed straught from non dried fruit of the plant to the rockwool to see if it would work. Well it did but they did take about 3 days longer consistant. All 6 from dried seed hooked at day 3 and up at day 5 and 6 and the fresh all hooked at day 6 and are just brakeing the surface of the rockwool.The six in the middle are the dried seed plugs.


Looks good and you on the right track........... :cool:

this post was a great idea, lots of different approaches super interesting read
60days will put me to when i start mine hahaha
so i will have learnt lots
I am wanting to try rockwool first time as well with a few tester plants

carry on

add - it is trying to snow
Ok here is my update. The one on the bottom right I found out was upside down. Big mistake on my part. I put the side with the hole down. So as you can tell she looks a little stressed but the others are coming along nicely. I have been giving them water with superthrive ph adjusted to 5.5 as needed and letting the excess drain off before putting back in the tray. I will remove the dome in the next few days and put a small fan on them. As soon as the first set of true leafs get bigger I will start giving a little fert at water time.
SS and Frogman looking good and deff a little father then mine in first true leaves. My ph is a good deal higher at nuetral 7.0, my well water is tapped into minerals so sits around 7.8 in this supposed acidic part of western washington.
I'm on a well too, Ph right around 8 and plenty of calcium, always trying to clean it up, hard water for sure. I might make some good Ph water since I have a tester and some Down for my DWC. Well at least next time I start some I will do it. I don't plan on starting much til this is over with, but ya never know, I figure if i start around the first of the year, I can probably plant out mid/late Feb. pending weather, hell I'm barefoot in shorts pulling weeds outta the lake and I'm sweating. Fl is really just a big sandbar of limestone and coral sand... :beer:
This is similar to our "Winter in oz " thread.
Hope it all goes well for you. I found that starting off too early that i got bacterial and fungal issues happening and had to throw out about 3 lots I started (hundreds of seeds and lots of rare ones). I hope you all dont get it too. It would be good to know if it happens to most people or if it was just my bad luck.
Anyway good luck!
Here is my late update. Sorry about that, school has me bound with work. Sadly, one of the seedlings did not make it, and one of the remaining three are looking a little limp. Hope he perks up tomorrow.

Im quite embarrassed, but I may be bowing out of this one guys. Not too sure what is going on, but my germ rates are proving to be horrible. I had one pop the surface in four days, one pop with seed husk attached at 5 days, and only one more that has been a hook since day 7. There is surely something wrong. I will be getting out the thermometer and checking my ph. Lame....