food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

Those refried beans are the highlight of the plate! maaaan you loco! hombré.

REAL RB's look pink or purplish and are thin, not runny... thin. put down your can opener ElHeffe.
Wait... I was talking about Mexican Refried Beans like my G-maw made them.

I don't know nuthin about Tex Mex!
I'm not on crack. Those were never refried! You put the soupy bean mash in a frying pan with pork lard.



They are fried once but it is the second cooking step hence refried. Those look like step 1.
Y'all can have your soup. That's step 1. Go ahead. Slurp it up. I'll send you some oyster crackers.  :lol:
Hold up! Not sayin yours are wrong or bad. they actually look fantastic. I think the typical american kitchen truely doesnt use enough lard. So many variations and like time temp etc. and personal taste.

These are perfect RBs. from the internet.

View attachment 7082
NOT ENOUGH LARD??????? :lol:
tutu de feijão or vegetarian refried beans

Scoville DeVille said:
Hold up! Not sayin yours are wrong or bad. they actually look fantastic. I think the typical american kitchen truely doesnt use enough lard. So many variations and like time temp etc. and personal taste.

These are perfect RBs. from the internet.

Oh fuck me. see that shit? Now I have gone and done it :rofl:

I was just going by the pictures. I aint good at research.

Leave me alone now. :banghead:
yeah yeah yeah laugh it up. got dammit. :lol:

The texture is perfect and the color is also.

And I was hacked! Yeah, that's it! I was hacked!

That was fun.

Now... we drunks should take this to SHSHSMMshed or however you spell it.

And those weren't my pics. I don't have a jacked up stove like that.

Nice puffy tacos!
Somebody puhleeeeze post up a fish taco up in here.
I'm drunk and hungry and having flashbacks of and from Puerto Vallarta.
Veracruz style snapper tacos rock!
The problem here is finding quality lard to begin with, NOT that white crap that comes in the green box (Rex...Cudahy?).
Yes please! breakfast of champions (minus the Bruce Kardashian lol)

And just look at the perfect tortillas... LOOK AT THEM!!!!


More Tapatío, comin at ya...