food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

The Hot Pepper said:
No pic of broken yolk FAIL! Like cutting steak. We have to assume it's over hard. :(
You're a hard ass. its an egg dammit! hard, soft, runny, heck, even omlletized! good stuff right there.!

That egg taco is Scovie approved.

so there!
If the food critics don't stop bashing EVERYTHING that is posted here, soon no one will post anything and then there will be nothing to look at in the cooking threads.  Just sayin'
JayT said:
If the food critics don't stop bashing EVERYTHING that is posted here, soon no one will post anything and then there will be nothing to look at in the cooking threads.  Just sayin'
That might allow me to lose weight and stop eating my computer screens! It is all a master plan in the works!
JayT said:
If the food critics don't stop bashing EVERYTHING that is posted here
It's light-hearted bro. Like you haven't told someone to cut a steak open to see the innards. Yolk is key. You know it!
TB calls my buns dry but he can't taste them. So what? His loss. :lol:

And don't miss the hipster irony. The pic is crooked.  :rofl:

JoynersHotPeppers said:
 I love me some breakfast tacos. PC
You bastard. Jay made you censor yourself.
SumOfMyBits said:
That egg was cooked to runny perfection. Runny enough to NOT be able to use my hipster camera phone.
Next time, THP, there will be egg splooge documentation.
You were about to squeeze it in one hand, camera in the other, and you were like nahhhhh let's take the pic first. :lol:
The Hot Pepper said:
You were about to squeeze it in one hand, camera in the other, and you were like nahhhhh let's take the pic first. :lol:
Rawk's hipsterness musta rubbed off on me. Seems I can only channel it through my hipsterphone.
I think "FAIL!" is a buzzword that has lost its caché, and now people see it as we're really dogging something when we use to tease each other all the time with it. Like calling something phat. Now they just think you're calling them obese. But Sum. Those tacos are phat. For realz. :lol:
Guacamole jalapeños sriracha sweet chilli tomatoes lots of prawns