food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

Oh damn.
I'm so sorry Jay.
I remember all too well the beating I took for posting Soyrizo.
I don't wish that on anyone.
Ima' do up some flat top fajita's in you honor thursday night.
texas blues said:
Its a lettuce quesadilla!!!
Jesus take me now.
texas blues said:
A baked tortilla.
And lettuce.
I swear you can't live with these people.
Scovie help me out here.
I ain't got time for this sheeit.
I got other threads to troll.
texas blues said:
I'm drinkin' here.
And you're fine with baked tore tillah's?
But of course I'd eat it.
Like I said....
I'm drinkin'!
texas blues said:
See what happens when your forum members are drankin'?
And Jay. That guy.
He just might be the new "Bear".
texas blues said:
Oh damn.
I'm so sorry Jay.
I remember all too well the beating I took for posting Soyrizo.
I don't wish that on anyone.
Ima' do up some flat top fajita's in you honor thursday night.
You're the one who started trolling!!!!!
But of course I did.
He's my amigo.
It's not wether or not you say good or bad, its wether you say any 'thang at all.
But he did take a beating, and not from just me.
Fact is, he's got what? 7 crowns?
And all with a lame camera.
Dude can cook like a MF'r.
I seen it and tasted it in person.
The man is first on my guest list to my casa.
When did you get so serious?
Of course Jay can cook. He just won a Pizza TD. With an oven!
I wanna see those fajitas.
Steak and shrimp? Or are you still saying fajitas are skirt steak only? I know the name originally meant that, but in my opinion, food names can evolve. So many foods once meant something and now include all kinds of things.
Honestly it's silly to say there's no such thing as chicken fajitas. That's like saying there's no such thing as veggie burgers, or pulled pork sliders. :)
fajitas can now mean anything cooked on the grill imo, especially if served on a sizzling oval plate.  
I've been served 'eggplant fajitas' at a party where the vegan host cut it into strips, marinated it w onion/poblano and then grilled it all up
and served with crema and chimi churi.  To quote TB, it was gooder n hell!
I agree.
TB's a fajita purist last I checked. Said no such thing as chicken fajitas.
Take sliders. Now they mean mini burgers any style or pulled pork on slider buns, etc. But I've seen purists say it has to be a beef burger cooked on onions with the top bun steamed on top to be called a slider. Ridiculous.
Food names evolve. Period.
Anyway. Back to tacos and fajitas!
Well, I kind of sort of have to go with TB on the "fajita" 'thang, but only in a kinda sorta way. And I guess I also kind of sort of have to go with THP, but also only in a kinda sorta way. Though, really, I don't entirely care what you call what, as long as I know what I'm getting. If you tell me you're serving me something called "a pickle" and describe it as "lobster blah blah blah", I'm cool with that. I'll order your "pickle" and know I'm getting lobster.
For me (and keep in mind this is from living in Houston more than half my life), "fajita" is still grilled skirt steak if it's considered to be a "beef fajita", and no one has to describe a cut for "chicken fajita" or "shrimp fajita". But over and above a cut of beef, "beef fajita" for me has a certain blend of seasonings. "Carne asada", on the other hand, is (for me) a big hunk of ribeye, open-flame-grilled to perfection with a different flavor profile. Even though "carne asada" just translates to "roast beef" in English, it's not carne asada to me unless it's thick and open-flame-grilled ribeye. Also, places around here serve god-only-knows-what-cut (could be any and actually includes ribeye) as almost paper-thin like they're trying to mimic fajita slices and even "grill" them on a flattop. Fact is the eater can slice up carne asada and wrap and eat it just like a fajita, but again, different seasonings. Then we get to "barbacoa", which to me is more just barbecued, shredded beef and the cut is less important as long as it's one that takes a low, slow grilling. If you want to call a big hunk o' open-flame-grilled ribeye "barbacoa", go for it. Like I said, all I really care is how you define your words, not what names you assign. 
But JayWOW and others, if you wanna oven-cook your tacos, fajitas, and anything else, go for it. Mostly I just see that as drying out the tortillas, but if you wanna, I don't mind.
So if I bought flank and made fajitas with all the proper accoutrement you would tell me they are not real fajitas? Just checking, not judging. Interesting stuff.
But chicken fajitas would be okay?
Okay I kinda see where you are going there.
Like if I made a slider with a beef patty and onions, but didn't cook the burger on top of the onions or give the top bun any onion steam, just cooked it all separate, you would say that's not a real slider.
But if I made a pulled pork slider you'd be fine because that's a new dish inspired by the original, and it is distinguished by "pulled pork." Like "veggie" burger, "chicken" fajitas.
If that's what you mean, I get what you are saying. But I still think once it's evolved to that point, you can also alter the original and it is still fajitas or a slider. This is why people use the word authentic once it evolves to a certain point. To distinguish.
While i was making pizza dough i had time (they forced me) to knead some piadine dough.
Also some chili con carne (piri piri and a light method without pan frying anything).
Some hot sauce bomba pugliese and some cheese.





Italian burrito!!!
Did it get baked or thrown under the broiler? Or do you eat it like that?
DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me distract you with this...