food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

Ain't no taco tho Essegi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
Italian burrito!!!

Did it get baked or thrown under the broiler? Or do you eat it like that?
Eaten like that, i didn't cooked it anymore after folding. Of course piadina cooked in a pan.
The Hot Pepper said:
Ain't no taco tho Essegi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But i couldn't post it in badass burrito thread, it's too small! :D
Flattop style.
First the veggies.
Red & green bell's, fresno & jalapeno chile's, and onions.

Then skirt steak rubbed with ancho chile powder, granulated garlic, onion powder, and cumin.
The flour tort's went into a tortilla warmer off to the side.

The goodnessessess.

A moment of silence please.

Splooged with Baja lime crema'.
Si senor!
Its that damn good!

Salute' y'all.
Damn TB that's the finest meal I've seen you post in awhile!!!!!
That ancho crust is killin' me!
I'm so glad you cooked the skirt whole and sliced it after so you can eat true medium rare seared steak, and not the browned all over strips like traditional.
I bow down to Big Flatty! You still shouldn't have sold the UDS, but after this, I'm kinda okay with it. :)
THP you humble me sir and I only serve to honor this forum.
And si senor, the crust was incredible and memorable.
Leftovers tonight!
And sad to say, I do miss the UDS but just didn't use it enough.
I thought about starting a new thread for flattop/plancha/plate steel cooking but then thought again.
Might be served better to spread it around amongst the existing threads as not too many folks
have such a 'thang in their garage like moi.
I think SoFlo posted before a caveman steel plate over fire once though.
SoFlo. Those guys.
Nah that SoFlo cooking was directly on the coals if we're talking the same.
Yeah I think that topic would fade away unless you made it more broad and included CI... like a "No open flame" thing. But then Jay would be all up in there with oven ribs and baked quesadillas. :rofl:
The Hot Pepper said:
Nah that SoFlo cooking was directly on the coals if we're talking the same.
Yeah I think that topic would fade away unless you made it more broad and included CI... like a "No open flame" thing. But then Jay would be all up in there with oven ribs and baked quesadillas. :rofl:
Yessir, I concur. 
No need for another thread, just spread it around.
That is until Scovie gets a flattop.
Then we'll HAVE to start one!
grantmichaels said:
holy fsck, yes!

i am curious about oil/sticking etc ...

we used clarified butter when i worked in a breakfast place as a teen, so i wondered how you approached that ...
Clarified butter is good stuff, unless of course you're the one having to make it.
I hate having to stand there and pour off and ladle the solids.
A pain in the ass.
On this 'thang, truth be told, once I burned the initial veg oil off and added some canola and burned that off,
the damn 'thang is already gettin' slippery than vaseline on a doorknob.
On another note, my thinking on cooking oils is evolving.
I love olive oil and remain true.
But I just got 3 tubs of duck fat to do confit and cook with.
How come my 2 grand mothers  both lived to be 100 and cooked with lard?
texas blues said:
I think SoFlo posted before a caveman steel plate over fire once though.
SoFlo. Those guys.
SoFlo has not yet cavemaned a steel plate.
Our documentation of game is slippin'.
FD, call up our welding buddy. We needs to remedy.
was a quarry tile if my memory serves ...
Clarified butter is good stuff, unless of course you're the one having to make it.
I hate having to stand there and pour off and ladle the solids.
A pain in the ass.
On this 'thang, truth be told, once I burned the initial veg oil off and added some canola and burned that off,
the damn 'thang is already gettin' slippery than vaseline on a doorknob.
On another note, my thinking on cooking oils is evolving.
I love olive oil and remain true.
But I just got 3 tubs of duck fat to do confit and cook with.
How come my 2 grand mothers  both lived to be 100 and cooked with lard?

because saturated fat's been incorrectly and unnecessarily vilified ...
grantmichaels said:
was a quarry tile if my memory serves ...

because saturated fat's been incorrectly and unnecessarily vilified ...
I believe that to be true.
Although the whole mediterranean diet 'thang is meritous.
Still, Essi, and those dang' Italians' eat all that dang sausage!
texas blues said:
And they shit better than I cook.
I'd take the ancho crust any day. That thing looks right!