food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

That might just qualify for the post of the YEAR TB. The crust on that skirt steak is a thing of beauty, not as easily achieved as with big betty. And the veg and tortillas at the same time?!?!?! I am in awe sir. And thanks for the excitement of something new. It's been awhile!
SumOfMyBits said:
SoFlo has not yet cavemaned a steel plate.
Our documentation of game is slippin'.
FD, call up our welding buddy. We needs to remedy.
You can easily pick up various-sized sheets at Lowes - that's where I usually get mine when I weld. 
So, what….. next weekend we can expect to see some shots of SoFlo cowboy cooking on a steel plate?  ;)

The Hot Pepper said:
I'm so glad you cooked the skirt whole and sliced it after so you can eat true medium rare seared steak, and not the browned all over strips like traditional.
I only had fajitas cooked whole then sliced at places back home. Browned-all-over-strips is more from non-Texans, IMO. TB knows. No, TB KNOWS - he owned that beef!
I'll bring back around my/TB's earlier topic, in a way - what's the difference between a fajita and a soft taco?
" what's the difference between a fajita and a soft taco?"
I reckon generally "fajita" is more a reference to the meat and the style.
And for the most part the sliced meat was served up on flour tortillas.
Other than that, no difference as I see. 
geeme said:
I'll bring back around my/TB's earlier topic, in a way - what's the difference between a fajita and a soft taco?
Soft taco is a shit product Taco Bell made up to let Americans know that there was another taco, not just the hard shell they were used to. But instead of corn tortillas (real tacos) they opted for the flour for durability.
A real taco is soft. So this is just TB wording for Americans. (That's Taco Bell, not texas blues lol.)
A "restaurant" fajita is a do-it-yourself taco with warmed flour tortillas, protein and veg sizzling in a skillet, and a spread of ingredients for assembling how you want.
PS. Geeme, TB, if in Texas they serve the whole skirt like that, is it still served in a sizzling skillet? I'm used to being served the sliced pieces sizzling.
And yes, I know the word means skirt steak and the dish started in TX. But the dish has evolved and includes any protein now. :)
"In Spanish, fajita is the diminutive form of the word faja which translates to “belt”, “sash” or “girdle” in English. In Spanish when you add “ita” to the end of some words it means little. Therefore, Fajita translates into little belt or little sash’."
And this part I know:
Fajita, in Mexican Spanish, is the cut butchers call skirt steak, due to the belt-like look.
Geeme why did you bring this up again? :rofl:
So in essence, a fajita is a taco!!! Not a "soft taco." Tacos are soft! Damn Taco Smell(r)!!!
Been a good long while since I had fajitas at a Tex-Mex joint but I recall doing so last year.
La Hacienda Ranch on Preston in Frisco and they were pretty dang good.
Like in this pic.
What is most outstanding is the smokey chile sauce they serve up with fresh fried tortilla chips.
And mrs. blues is addicted to their queso.
She judges all Tex-Mex joints by their queso and unless its outstanding, she won't go.
Yeah that's what I'm used to. Strips sauteed with the pepper onion mix. Geeme was saying they serve the skirt like you did. Much better getting nice medium rare slices!!!! But never seen that out. You need to post some more madness. Maybe even in the breakfast thread. Pancakes and a whole spread on Big Flatty?

Breakfast tacos!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
Geeme why did you bring this up again? :rofl:
So in essence, a fajita is a taco!!! Not a "soft taco." Tacos are soft! Damn Taco Smell(r)!!!
LOL - I hadn't been on this thread in a few days so missed your earlier response, and I just started thinking more about it, so threw it out there. Don't blame Taco Hell for crispy tacos - Ortega was making them long before - as in decades before. 
I can kind of side with mrs. blues on that, TB. I used to judge a place by, of all things, their cheese enchiladas. If you couldn't make a good cheese enchilada, no way you could make anything else that was worth eating! Now that I'm far away from TX, though, my standards have changed. Well, not when I go back home, but for here a place that can pass for edible Mexican-style is doing pretty good. The mex place we go to most often here wouldn't last a minute in TX. 
geeme said:
LOL - I hadn't been on this thread in a few days so missed your earlier response, and I just started thinking more about it, so threw it out there. Don't blame Taco Hell for crispy tacos - Ortega was making them long before - as in decades before. 
Oh no I don't blame them for the hard shell, I blame them for coining the "soft taco." which is an oxymoron. Makes Americans think that is different one, lol. :P
I gotta' work heavy straight through to Christmas day so won't get around to posting brekky till later after that.
But yeah, breakfast tacos!
mrs. blues likes bacon, egg, potato, and cheese, while I'm a fool for chorizo, egg, tate's n'scheeze.
And don't skimp on the picante!
Geeme I once ordered tacos from a taqueria for a film shoot I was director on, as a crew lunch. The DP in his sixties was all like "These aren't tacos." He wanted a hard shell. I said, "These are real tacos." He threw them in the garbage and walked to get a slice. The hell? Al pastor in the garbage? LOL!
The Hot Pepper said:
Geeme I once ordered tacos from a taqueria for a film shoot I was director on, as a crew lunch. The DP in his sixties was all like "These aren't tacos." He wanted a hard shell. I said, "These are real tacos." He threw them in the garbage and walked to get a slice. The hell? Al pastor in the garbage? LOL!
Seize him!!!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
Geeme I once ordered tacos from a taqueria for a film shoot I was director on, as a crew lunch. The DP in his sixties was all like "These aren't tacos." He wanted a hard shell. I said, "These are real tacos." He threw them in the garbage and walked to get a slice. The hell? Al pastor in the garbage? LOL!
Wow. Just wow. 
I like most all of these Mrs Blues' choices ... I realize now why I order the inferior chimichanga from Tijuana Flats, over the authentic option from the real deal place. Blackened chicken w/ killer, hot "queso" (it's whiz-y) beats authentic chicken w/ grizzle mystery bites (chorizo, no doubt) and 'authentic' queso ... thx Mrs Blues!