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travel The Great 2021 StettoMoveBlog

I read Colorado is hit by firestorms? All safe at your place I hope?!

Nowhere near us, Deiter.

But we became "official" yesterday...

I got a temp because I requested a special plate: Look up "Pueblo Chile" license plate. They must have known we were coming!

Meanwhile, back in Callaway MN, they'll be ringing in the new year @ -31°F.

Nope. No regrets, no regrets at all...
Believe it or not, my Pueblo Chile plates finally arrived yesterday. I'm told not to be surprised if I get egged or spat on when driving in NM...

Anyway, I'm dropping a note to provide proof of life and let ya'll know that though I'll post no glog this year I AM growing a couple Rocotos in containers. Yes, the greenhouse promise is going to be kept, but we just can't buy a house in this nightmare market. But there WILL be chokecherry Rocoto jelly. In fact I canned a few batches to disburse with the GIP smoked Serrano powder.

I chose to try just one other crop this year.

I'll let you fine intelligent folks figger it out...

How's the new digs?

Heh, hey Boss, you must've noticed me sneaking through. I do once in a while, ya know!😁

The Springs is a neat place, but all the good growing dirt appears to be down along the Arkansas River, like around Pueblo. Until we find the lot we want (and can afford--SHEESH), we're stuck in this split level ranch in the Holland Park neighborhood by the Garden of the Gods. It's a great walking area, lots of hills, some pretty steep. The weather here is GOOFY as hell, we're in a virtual sub-zero phase but will see near 70s early next week.

My grow is two plants this year, both Rocoto. And I'm growing a bit o' the weed, for medicinal purposes, you know. They let me do that here. I've fallen head over heels for a derivative called CBG (nope, not CBD), that eases the sciatica to almost nothing for hours at a time.

Of course it's a "blend":

This house has no bathrooms on the main floor. We go upstairs for a piss or we go downstairs for a piss. I told her when we talked about this move "NO STAIRS", but apparently that only applied to a house that we build or buy. The mandatory stair climb is treacherous on the *hic* weekends, don't you know...

The music culture here is amazing. I've been meeting up with a good number of players, gonna try and hook myself up with the rare power trio, my favorite band structure. A friend I've known since grade school manages a local music store, so suddenly all my instruments are restrung, set up and polished for the first time in many years! And I picked up a Fender American Ultra Jazz Bass for a third of retail! It pays to have friends in the seat of power!

Yes, I'm still promised the greenhouse of my dreams once we establish a permanent residence, but this damn bubble really needs to burst soon. A close friend just last week closed on a two bedroom/one bath 1095 Sq ft hut on the alkaline plain on the south end of town for $350,000. That's at least $250,000 over what I'd pay for it. So we wait.

All in all I don't mind CO Springs, though the woman I sleep with who wanted to be here is now bringing up Port Aransas TX on a semi-regular basis.

I'll let you know how that works out...

Oh, and my apologies on the GIP smoked Serrano powder that I've been meaning to get mailed to a bunch of you. I WILL get it out, honest!

Finally got a few of my taste buds back to semi-normal. Tried some of your powder recently on potato chips (just as I did GIP's) then a few days later - for me, the ultimate true "taste test" (salted/buttered corn on the cob) With GIP's smoked Serrano, this was how I used most of it. Very happy to report yours is incredible! GIP would be proud indeed.... I guess I could branch out and experiment with it on other foods, but nah, I'm sticking my favorite. You nailed it dude. Killer.

Again, GIP would be proud of your efforts. I know I am..... :cheers:
After a little hiatus (see: more overtime at work than I can even handle, lol), I finally got caught up on your expedition 👍🏻 Glad to hear everything eventually worked out, bud! A few hiccups, here and there, but you and your darlin’ bride made it safely, and I’m glad to hear it! Hopefully you’re settling in, comfortably, and you’re taking it easy on that shoulder of yours 🍻

P.S.- I saw no mention of it in your voyage but please, for the love of God, tell me that you managed to find room on that U-Haul for your smoker… If not, methinks you need to lay off of the “Devil’s Lettuce” and get your damn priorities straight! 😂
(I kid! 😉 )

Glad you made it there safely, brother! 🍻
Mike! So good to hear from you! Yes, adventure. No, not as harrowing as I am liking to drama queen. And not a pothead yet.

I'm pretty much sold on a Pit Boss 820-something smoker-grill, but the Darlin' Bride thinks we should hold off till we find longer term accommodations. We're only here till June 1, then the lease is up and the rent along with it.

But to ease your fears, though I did leave the Charbroiler behind, the Lil' Guy is right here beside me, waiting for me to get around to figuring out how to fit that 12 lb pork butt..


You really should write more often, including your opinion on the Pit Boss.

BTW Mike, the stores around here are FILTHY with Kosmo's, Blues Hog and a great variety of rubs and sauces, even the local Ace Hardware!!!
A monthly update: (I just noted that my last post on this thread was a month ago)

We can't find a house. We can't afford the house we want. Prices are climbing visibly, like watching the fuel needle dropping on a '74 Dodge Ram w/full time 4x4.

Everything else is moving aside to accommodate the ever intensive feeling of discouragement. I hear its like this everywhere now. We sold our house in AZ at the top of the boom in 2004. That bubble burst not too long after. I could use this bubble bursting any time now...

'Scuse the "rant". We walked a dilapidated shithole yesterday they wanted 400 grand for, and apparently the market is so hot here you make bids instead of offers.

But my Rocotos are healthy.
Similar things happening in MX. The value of the land we purchased last year has increased 20%. There still are a lot of places where you can buy land cheaply, but they will even steal your fence there...
Good luck with your search !
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