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travel The Great 2021 StettoMoveBlog

Similar things happening in MX. The value of the land we purchased last year has increased 20%. There still are a lot of places where you can buy land cheaply, but they will even steal your fence there...
Good luck with your search !

Yah, I know it's bad all over, and I still think of Skullbiker's sound words of "Get the damn house or lot FIRST, then move." That was back when everything was $100,000 cheaper.

We'll do ok, the market may explosively adjust downward like it did upward, and we may decide to get a little RV and go live on the beach at Port Aransas and sell t-shirts. Not kidding, I like Texas better anyway.

As long as we don't buy, we're golden to wind up in a place we didn't know we'd fall in love with...I keep bringing up Canyon City and the Raton area, she isn't nibbling yet.

We will abide. This economy was neither a natural supply/demand occurrence nor unintentional. It can't last.

I do miss my half-an-eighth-acre, though.
...and we may decide to get a little RV

Man, that sucks @stettoman. Unfortunately, we found that RV's have done the same thing price-wise as the housing market. We've been casually looking at travel trailers for the last 3 years or so. They are now easily 50% more expensive than they were 24 months ago. Now we can't even find one we like. Inventory is at an all-time low, both new and used. I hope you get lucky and find something that's not 3x what it's worth. Hang in there buddy.
An update and "proof of life":

Our 6 month lease is up in two weeks, then we go month to month, with a hefty rent increase to go with it. I honestly thought we'd be moving into a house of our own by now, but the market remains ludicrous. But we abide...ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠ

Colorado is DRY. We still run a humidifier every night, and it's the middle of May, fercryinoutloud! The excema usually subsides by now (scratches right buttock), but not yet here. We had three fires in the Springs the other day, turned the sky into a mess. Might be a spooky summer here.

So yeah, we continue to acclimate. The Springs is sprawling, and I'll likely require GPS for the rest of my life here, but I have a number of favorite places stamped into the navigational node of my mind.

Ah, proof of life--Yes, I'm doing a "grow" this year, two whole pepper plants, Aji Oro & Rocoto Rojo. Amazingly to me, neither appear to suffer from the arid conditions:


The Oro has yet to display any blossoms, but the Rojo on the left is flowering profusely, compared. I do miss having a glog to expound on another half-an-eighth-acre adventure, but the promise of a greenhouse remains, if and when we find the right $500,000 $100,000 house. So hope remains.

Where we moved from has almost a year's moisture already, and it isn't even Dirt Day yet. We in southern CO could use some rain...I hear we aren't alone in that...
Ooh, I forgot this little gem. It's growing over the next door neighbors fence.


Those who know me know what these are, and nary a sign of blacknot! If we're here in July/August I'll get to compete with the birds again!! ðŸĶ

If you work your way up north of Denver, there is a place called lauerkrauts that has pretty good bierocks and their knuchen looked pretty good too. It's in Brighton. There is/was an Italian restaurant there too, with the best toasted ravioli.
The mile high flea market is pretty cool too. Lol
Hey everyone, time for a bump. We're still in the same house, have officially backed away from this insane housing circus, and are continuing to acclimate. I caught a pretty serious cold a month or so ago, and here today I've got another creeping up on me. A friend recommended this, calls it a "24 hour miracle"...

I hope he's right, my lungs are getting pretty itchy right now.

I found a decent classic rock/dance band to sign onto, they play everything from Whippin' Post to Double Vision to Immigrant Song to Play That Funky Music to Get Down Tonight--yep, disco...You'd never believed it looking at me...

Yeah then, there's actually a second band I'm going to be gigging with this weekend, no disco, but lots of ZZ Top, KISS, Skynyrd, Scorps, etc...they're a one-time thing but demand "perfect" chops. Dunno how to break it to them.😇

And my Rocotos are continuing. The Rocoto Rojo has some small pods setting and the Aji Oro is sprouting flower buds now. Watering EVERY OTHER DAY is something to get used to, but the climate here seems to demand it.

Very. Very. Arid.
The Rojo is the tall one

Yes, I still have packages to go out, my new procrastination hobby was an easy one to ease into. Gotta stoppit.

So there, proof of life once again. I need to find time to scour the glogs & such, I miss hanging out and bragging about my dirt....

Oh, and you Tequila connoisseurs out there, my latest and most amazing discovery:

The distiller is Blackhat Distillery. They ship. Not cheap, goes with ANY pod you put up against it. Not for mixers, this is REAL sippin' tequila...You're welcome

OK, gots ta practice....
Boy, haven't really posted in while...

We finally submitted an offer on a house. It's small, just over a thousand sq ft, but has new furnace, a/c, water heater, gas stove, refrigerator, washer & dryer, and plenty room for a small studio. Only issue will be grow space and location: it's as east as this town gets, and has a landscaping job that fills every nook and cranny, not a blade of grass on the propity. Even @Pepper-Guruwould be amazed.

But the wife loves it, and I love seeing her tail wag...I'll post pics soon enough...

Thank y'all for your patience in this matter. It was only 8 months, after all...😁😁😁
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