The Great Douglah Growing Thread

I thought it would be good to start a thread for anyone in Australia to post up pics of the Douglahs they have growing at the moment. To campare strains and discuss the plants in general.

If people in other countries have them going ATM, or have pics of Douglah's they just grew, they are also welcome to post up pics.

They seem to be quite a rare chilli and it would be great to compare all that we have growing.

so post em up folks......... Douglahs only!

Me first. I have 2 plants, both are going great and have huge leaves larger than my hand


It has 4 chillis taken so far, and no flower drop so if it continues this way...... there are going to be lots of them!



and check this out......... 7 in one!


Here ya go Tony (see i spelded it right!)

This one is in the same container that i used for my rather large Dorset last year, no pods on this one that i can see yet but have had heaps of flower drop..

This one shares some ground right next to my Beefsteak tomato plant and is the biggest Douglah i have atm..

This one has around six pods on it and only went into the ground two days ago, no sign of shock which is surprising considering i broke about a third of the root ball off. These Douglahs love it in the ground imo.

Heres one of the chilli patch for scale, red arrows show the Douglahs.
Beautiful green young thriving douglah both of you. How much for your little girls, got one being overwintered and growing new shoots all over. Good thread Tony can't wait to see all the chocolate pods from down under. This pepper covers all the bases for me. Go douglah go.
Yeah the patch should be a sea of green in a couple of months, i can't wait. I will probably leave most of these plants in there to overwinter too.
Ahhh Nova, you came through with pics. Your a good man.

PRF..... do you have any pics of yours when they were at the stage of Nova's and mine. Id love to compare what the pods looked like.
I have 16 douglah/brown 7pot/pods from 4 different sources growing at the moment,
they vary in size 6 in/15cm to 18in/45cm tall, no pods yet but heaps of flowers, I'll post some pics soon as I get some pods forming....
I discovered another Douglah that i had growing, i thought i lost the label :lol: Its a beauty as well and has been planted with the others in the patch.
Novacastrian said:
Moyboy still has some doesn't he??

Yeah I do but it is still very small cause i've been lazy and left it in a small container.......Will be planting it in the garden in the next day or 2 and don't foresee any pods for a good few months.....:(
Don't know about unusual but i have Bonda ma Jaque, Yellow Congos, Yello-7's, Fatalii's and Scorpions, the Scorpions are showing that they set pods faster then the rest too.