The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

Haha those brainstrains look the goods, have you tried a douglah prior to this season swampy? They are the nastiest pods ive had to date. didn't taste that great but wow what a nasty painful burn they have. got my seeds from junglerain and thsc and they turned out identical. Insane, they were way too hot for any practical culinary use. as i've said earlier they were good for hurting things and thats about it. lmao
Rush35 and SentencedtoBurn...  I suspect everyone is going to want you to review their pods.  Really I guess we want to know who has grown the hottest pod out of the lot of us.  Do you think you guys might consider doing some tasting if we submit our hottest pods?
Robisburning said:
Rush35 and SentencedtoBurn...  I suspect everyone is going to want you to review their pods.  Really I guess we want to know who has grown the hottest pod out of the lot of us.  Do you think you guys might consider doing some tasting if we submit our hottest pods?
Which pods will you be guesting on the reviews with us then? I have some Jay's Red Ghost's nearly ready as well as some Madballz the end of the day sentencedtoburn and myself are more interested in the flavour of the pods rather than just the heat. I will need to discuss this with him as well.
What did you have in mind to send for review?
I will guest on any of them, it would be great to meet you both and taste some silly hot pods.  It will wreak me but I guess that is what we do.  I was going to send a Red "brown" moruga.  I have yet to try it but the pods are big and mean looking and just starting to colour up.
Watching your yellow brainstrain video it seems hard to sample a chilli as one bit may end up with way more placenta than any other bit.  Eating pods whole resolves that... sort of but will favour bigger pods and a super human constitution.  I suggest blending a pod to a puree and then sampling some amount ~1/2 a teaspoon.  That way the same experience is basically garenteed for each reviewer. 
Robisburning said:
I will guest on any of them, it would be great to meet you both and taste some silly hot pods.  It will wreak me but I guess that is what we do.  I was going to send a Red "brown" moruga.  I have yet to try it but the pods are big and mean looking and just starting to colour up.
Watching your yellow brainstrain video it seems hard to sample a chilli as one bit may end up with way more placenta than any other bit.  Eating pods whole resolves that... sort of but will favour bigger pods and a super human constitution.  I suggest blending a pod to a puree and then sampling some amount ~1/2 a teaspoon.  That way the same experience is basically garenteed for each reviewer. 
The problem with eating puree is that you do not get the opportunity to cut open the pod live and show the internals before eating it. I think eating a whole pod is fine for non superhots, but we are not insane and want to enjoy the experience rather than scare ourselves off any further tasting!
I think sentencedtoburn is going to cut the pods in the correct proportion to ensure equal distribution of the placenta for future videos. But i am certainly open to the idea of you showing us how to do a whole pod on video while we test half or quarter pieces!
Hey I'm happy doing whatever - the problem with me is that my mouth is stronger than my stomach, I can sit there chewing on superhots without too many serious issues but then a few hours later I get mad cramps, maybe its like a man-period. But I think just tasting smaller bits to see what they're like, comparing them - I'm fully down for that.

And Rob definitely let us know if you want to cruise over - are you based in Auckland? If you are that makes it easy, if not can just organised if you're ever up here. We'll setup a table in my garage, etc, that'll make an awesome episode.
yup, galap has a pod! hopefully i can secure a good amount of seeds off this plant so galap is sorted for NZ if it gets even harder to get seeds in..

douglah! these thing pretty much have pods growing ontop of pods..the plants are so short and dense its impossible to show more of it other then to show the whole thing, then you cant see the pods.

can count at least 10 pods in this pic


the early little runty pods were really hot so these should be good  :onfire:
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey I'm happy doing whatever - the problem with me is that my mouth is stronger than my stomach, I can sit there chewing on superhots without too many serious issues but then a few hours later I get mad cramps, maybe its like a man-period. But I think just tasting smaller bits to see what they're like, comparing them - I'm fully down for that.

And Rob definitely let us know if you want to cruise over - are you based in Auckland? If you are that makes it easy, if not can just organised if you're ever up here. We'll setup a table in my garage, etc, that'll make an awesome episode.
Rush35 said:
Well guys...we have a weekend coming up! Maybe Rob will join us for the next one....the challenge has been issued!
Sooo.... I am in Auckland in Otahuhu but would be keen on a drive to where ever.  Painting lounge Sat arvo but am free any other time that suits. 
nzchili said:
yup, galap has a pod! hopefully i can secure a good amount of seeds off this plant so galap is sorted for NZ if it gets even harder to get seeds in..

douglah! these thing pretty much have pods growing ontop of pods..the plants are so short and dense its impossible to show more of it other then to show the whole thing, then you cant see the pods.
That is good work on the Galapagoense.   Did it present any particular problems growing it?  Douglahs are pretty mean looking.
Robisburning said:
That is good work on the Galapagoense.   Did it present any particular problems growing it?  Douglahs are pretty mean looking.
Not really aye, it just got put with the rest of my plants and treated the same. It was semi hard to germ and grew very slowly though.
The bugs dont really like it which is good. 
nzchili said:
yup, galap has a pod! hopefully i can secure a good amount of seeds off this plant so galap is sorted for NZ if it gets even harder to get seeds in..

douglah! these thing pretty much have pods growing ontop of pods..the plants are so short and dense its impossible to show more of it other then to show the whole thing, then you cant see the pods.

can count at least 10 pods in this pic


the early little runty pods were really hot so these should be good  :onfire:
Thank goodness someone is getting a galap to grow. My new seeds from you have still not popped....
My douglah is pretty much my largest plant currently with some huge pods on it.
Rush35 said:
Thank goodness someone is getting a galap to grow. My new seeds from you have still not popped....
My douglah is pretty much my largest plant currently with some huge pods on it.
Hey Rob, we are out in Wattle Downs so not too bad a drive for you. I am sure we can do something Sunday afternoon if Saturday is busy for you...just need to check that sentencedtoburn is available.
a bit late to be starting seeds but anyway, it can live inside over winter and be a beast for next spring.
First hook from the CP115 douglah x butch t chocolate select strain!
nzchili said:
a bit late to be starting seeds but anyway, it can live inside over winter and be a beast for next spring.
First hook from the CP115 douglah x butch t chocolate select strain!
Never too late for seeds! I have already started my next season seeds. They will get a good head start and go into the greenhouse when the frost threatens....
Where did you get this hybrid from? I have just germinated a Fatalii x Savina which popped in 4 days!
Rush35 said:
Never too late for seeds! I have already started my next season seeds. They will get a good head start and go into the greenhouse when the frost threatens....
Where did you get this hybrid from? I have just germinated a Fatalii x Savina which popped in 4 days!
Indeed its never too late haha!
I got it from puckerbutt, was expensive though! It turned out to cost almost 30usd for two packs of seeds delivered.. 
I got these and some reapers. I didnt want to spend $12us or whatever on shipping for one pack of seeds so figured id get some reapers direct from the source while i was at it.
There's a thread on this hybrid here;
and heres the description taken from the puckerbutt website;
"From the Christopher Phillips Rare Seed Collection R5--Release #5 on December 9, 2014. LIMITED RELEASE: This is a very special selection of a hybrid Christopher has been growing for a couple years. It is an extremely hot cross between two of the hottest varieties out in the pepper world: Trinidad Douglah and Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. Christopher terms this his 'Select Strain'. All who have tried this pepper said it put them to their knees! The Capsicum chinense peppers can become extremely pimpled and some exhibit little tails at the ends. When you cut these open, you get nothing but pure capsaicin fumes so consume with extreme caution. They have not been formally tested, but many reviewers who have tried it said it was one of the hottest ones they've ever tasted. This cross is believed to be at the F4/F5 stage so not fully stable yet. if ready to jump in the deep end, give these a whirl"
and pic from the seed listing on pucketbutt.

Problem is pucketbutt WILL NOT send seeds in a non-padded envelope with no paperwork. I asked multiple times and they just kept saying they cant guarantee the seeds will arrive safety so wont do it.
it arrived in a big bubble envelope, document size, with a packing slip on the front identifying it as seeds i got lucky with that one.
nzchili said:
Indeed its never too late haha!
I got it from puckerbutt, was expensive though! It turned out to cost almost 30usd for two packs of seeds delivered.. 
I got these and some reapers. I didnt want to spend $12us or whatever on shipping for one pack of seeds so figured id get some reapers direct from the source while i was at it.
There's a thread on this hybrid here;
and heres the description taken from the puckerbutt website;
"From the Christopher Phillips Rare Seed Collection R5--Release #5 on December 9, 2014. LIMITED RELEASE: This is a very special selection of a hybrid Christopher has been growing for a couple years. It is an extremely hot cross between two of the hottest varieties out in the pepper world: Trinidad Douglah and Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. Christopher terms this his 'Select Strain'. All who have tried this pepper said it put them to their knees! The Capsicum chinense peppers can become extremely pimpled and some exhibit little tails at the ends. When you cut these open, you get nothing but pure capsaicin fumes so consume with extreme caution. They have not been formally tested, but many reviewers who have tried it said it was one of the hottest ones they've ever tasted. This cross is believed to be at the F4/F5 stage so not fully stable yet. if ready to jump in the deep end, give these a whirl"
and pic from the seed listing on pucketbutt.

Problem is pucketbutt WILL NOT send seeds in a non-padded envelope with no paperwork. I asked multiple times and they just kept saying they cant guarantee the seeds will arrive safety so wont do it.
it arrived in a big bubble envelope, document size, with a packing slip on the front identifying it as seeds i got lucky with that one.
i am waiting for my douglah to sprount at this moment.!
nzchili said:
Indeed its never too late haha!
I got it from puckerbutt, was expensive though! It turned out to cost almost 30usd for two packs of seeds delivered.. 
I got these and some reapers. I didnt want to spend $12us or whatever on shipping for one pack of seeds so figured id get some reapers direct from the source while i was at it.
There's a thread on this hybrid here;
and heres the description taken from the puckerbutt website;
"From the Christopher Phillips Rare Seed Collection R5--Release #5 on December 9, 2014. LIMITED RELEASE: This is a very special selection of a hybrid Christopher has been growing for a couple years. It is an extremely hot cross between two of the hottest varieties out in the pepper world: Trinidad Douglah and Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. Christopher terms this his 'Select Strain'. All who have tried this pepper said it put them to their knees! The Capsicum chinense peppers can become extremely pimpled and some exhibit little tails at the ends. When you cut these open, you get nothing but pure capsaicin fumes so consume with extreme caution. They have not been formally tested, but many reviewers who have tried it said it was one of the hottest ones they've ever tasted. This cross is believed to be at the F4/F5 stage so not fully stable yet. if ready to jump in the deep end, give these a whirl"
and pic from the seed listing on pucketbutt.

Problem is pucketbutt WILL NOT send seeds in a non-padded envelope with no paperwork. I asked multiple times and they just kept saying they cant guarantee the seeds will arrive safety so wont do it.
it arrived in a big bubble envelope, document size, with a packing slip on the front identifying it as seeds i got lucky with that one.
 The irony is that we can generally guarantee it won't arrive safely if they send it this got very lucky!
 The irony is that we can generally guarantee it won't arrive safely if they send it this got very lucky!
How does pepperlovers send their stuff by default? i didn't think to ask... argh fingers crossed.