The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

FireFlyNZ said:
Good effort on the reviews fellas, would be awesome to see somebody else review one of my chillis to get a comparison on tolerance levels and general flavor descriptions etc. Hanging out to try 'Devil's brain' personally, hopefully you guys get the opportunity to review that this season.
I have only put my Devil's Brain seeds down this weekend so it will be sometime until we see fruit! NZchilli might have plants on the go with fruit due shortly.
SentencedToBurn said:
Thanks mate! I'm quite keen to see if Darren is happy to talk about different methods of growing that he's done, and also once I get my heating into my greenhouse do a small thing on how that all works as it's real simple way to automate your cooling/heating. But yeah will definitely be adding lots more.
I unpacked the greenhouse yesterday and sorted out some plants. We can shoot some video of what i have growing, but the plants are not that awesome in size this year ( with a few exceptions ) due to my psyllid attacks. Those that survived are a bit stunted in their growth.
I have tried a few different methods of growing last year and can look at going through these options if there is any interest. I am hoping that after 4 years of growing and the challenging conditions i faced this year, that my new season will be awesome with all i have learnt. Should have plants to challenge Swampy's monster plants this year! But i am definately going to need to cut back on the varieties for the new grow as 80 different versions with 3 of each type become unmanageable!

Got some Defcon 7 pods ripe and ready for a review. They are pretty scary based on the few reviews available. It seems to be a 7 Pot Brown cross and pretty lively!
i got to thinking maybe we could get a fresh pepper trade thing going since all of you get fresh pods now in my winter. my capsicum annuums are ready mid june to mid july, and capsicum chinense are ready mid august to mid september. i know i haven't been a member of the hot pepper very long but i could send picks of my progress. i would be happy with just a few pods.
From what i can tell most of the kiwi's would be willing to hook you up, However in reality fresh pods won't be so fresh by the time they make it half the way around the globe to ohio from nz.. Might be more of a plan to ask one of the 'Bro's" from the southern states which have year round growing to sort you out.
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
i got to thinking maybe we could get a fresh pepper trade thing going since all of you get fresh pods now in my winter. my capsicum annuums are ready mid june to mid july, and capsicum chinense are ready mid august to mid september. i know i haven't been a member of the hot pepper very long but i could send picks of my progress. i would be happy with just a few pods.
You would probably be better off sourcing from your area as it is expense to ship from here plus it will take 2 weeks to get there and getting fresh pods into NZ would be damn near impossible with all the sniffer dogs at customs.
I am sure you will find no end of people wanting to trade around here.  :)
Found the first sign of Psyllids today whilst planting out some more chilli's to the vege garden. Used a soft bristled brush to remove the eggs i could see, but raced down to bunnings to get some Yate's Success ultra. hopefully i've caught it before its a real problem. Repotted alot of stuff today and have noticed the chinense i repotted last week are really starting to take off.
Naga Morich, douglah, brainstrain, choc bhut and yellow 7's seem to be growing much faster than the red 7's, bhuts, 7 pot brown and morugas.
I anticipate people will raise an eyebrow at the previous comment regarding growth rates between Brainstrain and Morugas, and also Douglah in comparison with brown 7's as many are convinced they are the same thing but..
I think they are rather different douglah having thinner walls, pimply skin with a greeny yellowish placental tissue as opposed to a thicker skinned 7pot brown which is smoother more uniform and a lighter yellowish white placenta.
Both F***ing HOT! mabye douglah being more painful. (imo)
Brainstrain and the Moruga being harder to tell apart virtually identical however morugas seem less uniform and slightly larger in pod size and from time to time had a fizzer i.e 1 in 10 pods not being very hot etc
whereas Brainstrains having a more consistant heat level which always was sure to hurt.
I am sure there are differing opinions out there but that is my view on it.
Always loved meeting people that found out i grew chilli's somehow and blurted out a proud statement like:
I eat hot food all the time! I have indian hot vindaloo's! OR my favorite one: I've eaten the hottest chilli in the world it's called a bird's eye do you grow them?? yes i do i have 3 or 4 different strains of birds eye. Yeah well one time i drank a whole bottle of tabasco sauce for $20. Well i will give you a $20 note right here right now if you eat this.(pulls out a Douglah, or a Brainstrain) but you can't have anything to drink for 5 minutes! Yeah sweet i'll take your money!  HAHAHA ok mate have one of these mate. Oh s**t! wtf man! what is that? it feels like iam eating glass! haha i am yet to loose 20bucks.
I always chuckle to myself when peoples instinct makes them run aimlessly or just rapidly pace around looking lost and afraid.. Evil? me? maybe.. yeah..
FireFlyNZ said:
Found the first sign of Psyllids today whilst planting out some more chilli's to the vege garden. Used a soft bristled brush to remove the eggs i could see, but raced down to bunnings to get some Yate's Success ultra. hopefully i've caught it before its a real problem. Repotted alot of stuff today and have noticed the chinense i repotted last week are really starting to take off.
Naga Morich, douglah, brainstrain, choc bhut and yellow 7's seem to be growing much faster than the red 7's, bhuts, 7 pot brown and morugas.
I anticipate people will raise an eyebrow at the previous comment regarding growth rates between Brainstrain and Morugas, and also Douglah in comparison with brown 7's as many are convinced they are the same thing but..
I think they are rather different douglah having thinner walls, pimply skin with a greeny yellowish placental tissue as opposed to a thicker skinned 7pot brown which is smoother more uniform and a lighter yellowish white placenta.
Both F***ing HOT! mabye douglah being more painful. (imo)
Brainstrain and the Moruga being harder to tell apart virtually identical however morugas seem less uniform and slightly larger in pod size and from time to time had a fizzer i.e 1 in 10 pods not being very hot etc
whereas Brainstrains having a more consistant heat level which always was sure to hurt.
I am sure there are differing opinions out there but that is my view on it.
Always loved meeting people that found out i grew chilli's somehow and blurted out a proud statement like:
I eat hot food all the time! I have indian hot vindaloo's! OR my favorite one: I've eaten the hottest chilli in the world it's called a bird's eye do you grow them?? yes i do i have 3 or 4 different strains of birds eye. Yeah well one time i drank a whole bottle of tabasco sauce for $20. Well i will give you a $20 note right here right now if you eat this.(pulls out a Douglah, or a Brainstrain) but you can't have anything to drink for 5 minutes! Yeah sweet i'll take your money!  HAHAHA ok mate have one of these mate. Oh s**t! wtf man! what is that? it feels like iam eating glass! haha i am yet to loose 20bucks.
I always chuckle to myself when peoples instinct makes them run aimlessly or just rapidly pace around looking lost and afraid.. Evil? me? maybe.. yeah..
I am growing both Douglah and 7 Pot Brown at the moment and both have pods. They are both large plants, but seem quite different. I agree that the Douglah had really gnarly bumpy pods compared to the 7 Pot Brown.
I haven't grown the brainstrain and was not aware of the TSM/brain strain debate.  They look similar I guess.  My 7 pot infinity looks similar too.
Generally the hot pepper origin stories are foggy.  Being so quick to cross and mutate there are probably almost an infinite number of variations.  Knowing how true your seeds are probably requires growing out more than is realistic for the hobby grower.  That leaves all of us having to rely on good honest seed suppliers. Looking at this:
I will never buy seeds from Jim Duffy.  Him and Joe and De Witt are all dismissive of hobby growers and don't seem to be into anything but lining their pockets in any way they can, ideally while having their egos stroked. 
It was heated but not much evidence was presented.  Neither cappy nor Jim are claiming to be the originators of the strains so might not be the best people to be arguing the point.  I have my first red moruga coloring up; if anyone has a brainstrain we could do a side by side?
Robisburning said:
It was heated but not much evidence was presented.  Neither cappy nor Jim are claiming to be the originators of the strains so might not be the best people to be arguing the point.  I have my first red moruga coloring up; if anyone has a brainstrain we could do a side by side?
iv got some perfect looking brain strains coming along. ill post pics tonight?
FireFlyNZ said:
From what i can tell most of the kiwi's would be willing to hook you up, However in reality fresh pods won't be so fresh by the time they make it half the way around the globe to ohio from nz.. Might be more of a plan to ask one of the 'Bro's" from the southern states which have year round growing to sort you out.
thanks for the good advice!
Swampy_NZ said:
You would probably be better off sourcing from your area as it is expense to ship from here plus it will take 2 weeks to get there and getting fresh pods into NZ would be damn near impossible with all the sniffer dogs at customs.
I am sure you will find no end of people wanting to trade around here.   :)
yeah, thanks anyways, i didn't think on the idea too much!.
Robisburning said:
Sweet on pics.  I will post some once it has a little more colour on it. Should we catch up and taste test them?  
yea man, and ill bring the 7 this time  :party:
actually just got a new turbo for it...gonna be bad ass
those turbo pubes are finally almost ripe to so will bring them along. 
My brain strains are still green, will post a pic anyway..they look so nice
Sweet.  Looking forward to to seeing the 7.  How long do you think your brainstain needs to color up? Another few weeks?  Should we catch up then?  Maybe if we ask nicely we could get our hands on the yellow brainstrain to review too?  Happy to trade for some moruga pods as I now have 3 red morugas....
My brown moruga is putting out red pods.  They are just starting to color up today, absolutely gutted.  I reckon they will still be hot but I have found brown pods elusive.  My black naga and douglahs were red last season and now so is my brown mogura.  In fact the only brown pods I have ever grown were some pasilla bajio and they hardly count.
Brainstrain will need another couple of weeks at least id say. I think the first pods are about at their full size though but no colour change.
iv got some really wicked looking douglah's that are full size that just need to colour up. The early runt pods off them went brown, and the big pods look scary as hell, perhaps my scariest to date, so i can bring some of them as well. 
Iv also got a choc scorp and a choc bhut but those are a bit further behind.
That brown moruga plant you gave me has set some pods now. First glance, i dunno, im not too hopeful it will go brown. The pods don't seem very uniform (yet) so we will see what happens there I guess. Where did the seeds come from?
heres a couple of pods on the brainstrain plant..i have high hopes for this one :)

Ok, those brainstrains look picture perfect. Large pod too.
The brown moruga I grew was such a vigorous grower and has many large pods on it I am bummed it turned out red.  It was from Judy.  I should have a yarn to her about it and report back.
I can't wait for the rain.  Everything in the garden is parched to the point of aborting fruit.  Hot peppers dropping pods, pumpkin, passionfruit, grapefruit, everything needs rain.  Where I am it has rained once in the last 27 days.
Hope your plants make it through unscatched Swampy.
Robisburning said:
Sweet.  Looking forward to to seeing the 7.  How long do you think your brainstain needs to color up? Another few weeks?  Should we catch up then?  Maybe if we ask nicely we could get our hands on the yellow brainstrain to review too?  Happy to trade for some moruga pods as I now have 3 red morugas....
My brown moruga is putting out red pods.  They are just starting to color up today, absolutely gutted.  I reckon they will still be hot but I have found brown pods elusive.  My black naga and douglahs were red last season and now so is my brown mogura.  In fact the only brown pods I have ever grown were some pasilla bajio and they hardly count.
I happen to know someone who has a golf ball sized Yellow Brainstrain available you might be able to well as Chocolate Naga's which actually look more like Chocolate Scorpions if you are keen on a brown pod/