The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

a few update photos




reaper flowering


hab fruiting


the decorative one (cant be bothered walking out and reading the label)
SentencedToBurn said:
Yeah those look a bit different to your regular jalapenos, almost looks like a cross with a cayenne or something. Either way looks great!
well they could be cayenne, I grabbed them from the garden centre and didnt pay much attention. i got a bag of 'jalapenos' from orcona chillis a while back that looked the same. big fruits off big heavy yielding plants, they gave us a tour of the greenhouses (mine are in heavy soil and went out too early so never really grew up and out).

the other jalapenos i planted later do look a lot different. smaller and more irregular.
Sweet! Yeah Ive done my first harvest. Probably 1/4 of what I normally get of these plants. This season has been the crappiest by far.
That dorset naga looks good!
How did everyone's crop go? All had been quiet on the thread. Mine was a washout, still got some reaper pods green/orange but very small and the ones I picked were not that hot at all. Looks like I will be able to grow them in the ground next time rather than the grow bags (had to as I knew I would be moving) was so looking forward to trying reaper pods fresh. Will have to buy some sauce instead I think Culleys make one, anyone tried it?
Yeah mine was a lot smaller than every other year, off 700L worth of growbags I got only about 8kgs worth of peppers, which is less than half of every other year. The temperature was rubbish, not really the pests those I got under control now.
Culleys reaper one isnt that great IMO, if I were you I'd go for Clint's Dragon's Fury:
I've started a few seedlings in the greenhouse for the hydro grow overwinter and into summer. Will be starting next year's seeds at the end of August this year again. Although next season I'll probably dedicate most of my growing space to D3monic's crosses, it'll be my 3rd year and now we're getting into some real freaky crosses:
Started too late this year and had a shocking season so very little to show for.
Decided to go LED to get a head start for next season and dropped some reapers in KNO3 tonight.
Also started some Choc Bhuts and Borg 9's on the 17th May and they finally sprouted. Happy with the 8 days germination.
Grow box done and ready for some babies. Got some heating wire on order and we should be set for winter.
Whose going to try order seeds for the Grow Down Show Down from Aus ?
Hi all again. I have been away for a while (wife had a baby etc.).
My year has been a bit of a fizz, I really scaled back only had a few pots and fought aphids hard all summer. Only my Tabasco and a Cayenne have really made many pods during the season  and now with the cooler temps halting the wee beasties I'm getting my remaining/surviving superhot producing orange something (not the brown/choc I signed up for) ? - not happy with the local for that one but I'll make "lemonade" sauce out of them.
Here's to next year  :cheers:
SentencedToBurn said:
Yeah mine was a lot smaller than every other year, off 700L worth of growbags I got only about 8kgs worth of peppers, which is less than half of every other year. The temperature was rubbish, not really the pests those I got under control now.
Culleys reaper one isnt that great IMO, if I were you I'd go for Clint's Dragon's Fury:
I've started a few seedlings in the greenhouse for the hydro grow overwinter and into summer. Will be starting next year's seeds at the end of August this year again. Although next season I'll probably dedicate most of my growing space to D3monic's crosses, it'll be my 3rd year and now we're getting into some real freaky crosses:
KAOS said:
Started too late this year and had a shocking season so very little to show for.
Decided to go LED to get a head start for next season and dropped some reapers in KNO3 tonight.
Also started some Choc Bhuts and Borg 9's on the 17th May and they finally sprouted. Happy with the 8 days germination.
Grow box done and ready for some babies. Got some heating wire on order and we should be set for winter.
Whose going to try order seeds for the Grow Down Show Down from Aus ?
Orcmie said:
Hi all again. I have been away for a while (wife had a baby etc.).
My year has been a bit of a fizz, I really scaled back only had a few pots and fought aphids hard all summer. Only my Tabasco and a Cayenne have really made many pods during the season  and now with the cooler temps halting the wee beasties I'm getting my remaining/surviving superhot producing orange something (not the brown/choc I signed up for) ? - not happy with the local for that one but I'll make "lemonade" sauce out of them.
Here's to next year  :cheers:
Sounds like a bad season all round then, I'm just trying to get a few of the reaper pods to ripen which they are but really slowly in this cold weather.  Just found a semi decent pod and phew that was tasty!! Glad I didn't sow all the seeds from the ones I bought (was starting to doubt they was reapers). So apart from spending a bit of time reading this forum is there any guides to growing reapers and other chilies? any handy bookmarks? Or will I find everything I need to know here?
I will have a good sized sloping section that I can to dedicate to growing a variety of chilies and veg etc, so I wanna get a good handle on how I should be growing them next season I kinda winged it this season not really knowing what and how I should be doing things, but I thought if I had a better understanding then it would be easier. Wondering if I should see if I can get a medium sized greenhouse to make it easier.
Thanks for the recommendation SentencedToBurn on the sauce I went and ordered a 200ml bottle to try out :) 
Hi guys. It's been a while since I've been on here to say the least. I also moved to Otago .
Is there any other growers down these ways?
I will give superhots a go down here but will use a heat pad.