SentencedToBurn said:
Hey my mate was a distributor, but he's stopped doing it now, so these ferts are what we had left spare that he gave me. I can hook you up with some mid range stuff - i stil have a few left, you can have one or two bottles if you want, it's the one that's a mix of both bloom and grow. it seems to do ok.
And yeah I haven't sprayed a single time yet - but I did use the predatory mites at the start as I saw broad mites starting. I tell you, those predatory mites from Bioforce are bloody legendary dude, worth their weight in gold.
Oh yea? Would not say no to one of them

I think you gave me 3 different ones last time. A "bloom" a "grow" and a "foliage pro")
Im liking the "grow" one which I think is a 7-9-5, is that the one you mean you have left? Ill swap you some beers or something

Had a look at the bioforce webste re the mites. which ones did you get? didnt see any say they were specifically for broad mites. Not that iv got a problem with them at the moment but would be keen to know in case I ever need them!