The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 01:32 AM

I just found this thread. I had never heard of the Lava before today.
I did not see the Lava seeds listed for sale on your website yet, (or I would have definitely already ordered some).
Is there any possibilty you might be getting close to putting some up for sale?

#47 PepperLover

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Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:51 AM

i hope this summer if the strain is stable enough to be shared.
Has anyone every seen a plant produce one color pod i.e. red early in the season and a different one later?  I know it seems unlikely but my first pod to color off the brown moruga went red:(

Dark green glossy hab pod is atypical.  It is this one that went red.  Does anyone think there is a chance the plant will produce brown pods?

SentencedToBurn said:
Dang! I hope mine will be like that. Started dropping quite a lot of flowers but will see, a bunch of them did tie up.. Nice work man.
Dude none of my plants has stopped dropping flowers although they have slowed down a bit since the weather has warmed up.
There are literally thousands of flowers that have dropped.
That thing is packed, awesome growing. 
Your dorset naga and yellow scorpion were also loaded.  Some of my plants have boomed.  Others right next to them, not so much.  Your grow seems to have yielded consistent mega-poddage. Is there any trick in particular?
Robisburning said:
That thing is packed, awesome growing. 
Your dorset naga and yellow scorpion were also loaded.  Some of my plants have boomed.  Others right next to them, not so much.  Your grow seems to have yielded consistent mega-poddage. Is there any trick in particular?
Start them early,big pots(65-160L) and lots of ferts.
That Reaper bush is outstanding Swampy! Bugger going up against you in a chilli growing comp, lol.
I was talking with Paul from HAC the other day about some of the "mutants" I got from seed  sourced from Trademe and said I'd throw up some pics. 
This is a so called "Red Bhut Jolokia", I got seed from several sellers on TM so am not actually sure who in particular is responsible for this mutant. It looks like a bhut crossed with a long hab, most of them twist 90 degrees and the skin is very smooth. They taste hab-ish and shu if I had to guess would be over half a mil.

Unripe mutant "Red Bhuts", the one in my hand is the most Bhutish shaped one.

"Red Scorpian Moruga" below, this freak has a very similar earthy taste has an orange magnum hab, probably a similar shu too.

And the Butch T's below, I've grown three of these out. shu I'd venture half a mil, totally hab tasting.


So out of the mutants that just leaves the Yellow Bhuts, one plant looks true to type but is a stunted little runt while the other.....the other looks like it is more Reaper or Butch T. Despite being a dwarf the plant its self is absolutely beautiful and the pods look plain mean!
More pics to come.
Lesson most definitely learnt though, only reputable seed seller in future like HAC, FDC or HSC. It's a bit of a kick in the ass for my first ever major chilli grow but it's all learning. My habs, Reapers, rocotos and choc bhuts all appear true to type and are doing well.
Hey guys, i took some photo's to show the different stages of psyllids and what they look like, so you know what to look out for!
In this pic you can see the eggs around the edge of the leaves. You can also find eggs underneath the leaves - they are not always just on the sides!

close up of eggs;

here is what the scale stage(s) looks like - both the green scale and the orange/brown coloured scale are both different stages of psyllids. 

and this is what the adults look like, they are different from other small flies & wasps. These have a grey stripe on them

deerdog: those red mutants suspiciously look like Peter Peppers. They even look to have a single fruit per node - are you sure they aren't annuums?
nzchili: those pics gives me the jeebies. Whenever I see those eggs I go straight for my yates ultra and spray the shit out of everything top and bottom. But i think i've finally won my battle, so has rush35 by the sounds of it. Well at least now we know what works and what to look out for so our plants should be safe.
I have no bloody idea what the hell they are stb.

I'll nom them all the same though.

Cheer nzchilli, none down here this year but they will be soon enough no doubt.
I can echo sentencedtoburn's statement...i get a shiver when i see evidence of those evil little bastards! Found 2 plants last night with evidence again so i sprayed the little beasts with Success Ultra. You let them go for a day or two and it is an infestation. Once your plants go yellow they are toast.