The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

Robisburning said:
I have 2 shipments inbound, fingers crossed.  In concept would anyone be keen to get a photosanitary cert for a bulk order?  If we have five people it might only add $10 each but we could order many packets as they would be virtually guaranteed to get through.  Just a thought.  Either that or we could start some sort of seed exchange website?
Might look into this photosanitary cert bizzo, i have a package inbound from pepperlovers hope it makes it! contains reapers,devils brain,datil, bhut collection(5bhuts), bubblegum 7(regular/small), moa scotch bonnet and trinidad scorp original.
Most are strains i havent yet grown so hope they make it. How long do us kiwi's usually wait for a package from say pepperlovers? if anyone has had experience with them?
nzchili said:
Id be keen

what'd ya get?  :P  and bummer about loosing the parcel.
iv got choc mircha seeds & bongo chilli seeds for you whenever you want them
Ta mate.
Got in the Trinidad Cardi Yellow, Bhut Orange Copenhagen and about 4 Fatalii hybrid crosses that look really cool.
Rush35 said:
Ta mate.
Got in the Trinidad Cardi Yellow, Bhut Orange Copenhagen and about 4 Fatalii hybrid crosses that look really cool.
ive grown cardi yellow and had boc's given to me fresh whilst visiting friends in oz(from THSC)  both are awesome cardi yellow were massive pods  that taste really good in a little dwc setup i had in 2012. better tast than a yellow 7 but not quite as hot imo. you will like them.
FireFlyNZ said:
Might look into this photosanitary cert bizzo, i have a package inbound from pepperlovers hope it makes it! contains reapers,devils brain,datil, bhut collection(5bhuts), bubblegum 7(regular/small), moa scotch bonnet and trinidad scorp original.
Most are strains i havent yet grown so hope they make it. How long do us kiwi's usually wait for a package from say pepperlovers? if anyone has had experience with them?
I start checking the mail after a week.  Quickest for me was 10 days.  Longest was about 20 and I had one lot mysteriously not appear, my first order ever which Judy resent for free.  Since then there have been no further issues. This time I have Caramelmoruga, Yellow 7 pot original, Bhut Indian Carbon, Fatalii, Aleppo, Jalapenos cracked.
Have had one parcel disappear which Judy replaced free of charge and two orders confiscated. The last one with a nasty letter threatening me....
I've decided to post a few pics of some of my plants - most arent ripe yet but some are coming through. Most of my seeds came from my over-the-fence neighbour rush35, two plants came from Swampy, a few seeds I bought online.
My Dorset Naga in a 70L bin - I've harvested about half the pods so far - this is the rest. For some reason it had hardly any on it, hundreds of flowers dropped off. Still a few green ones. Although it's interesting that new flowers are now coming through.

Yellow Fatalii - in a 10L bucket:

Beni Highlands in a 10L bucket:

Reaper in a 70L bin - there are about 30 pods that I can count now, still tons of flowers on it - quite a few are dropping but a lot are setting so we'll see how we go:

Black Naga in a 10L bucket:

JAFSH red (Just another fucking super hot) - I picked most but a few are left, just saving these for seeds, although it started growing new flowers again. 10L bucket:

I have about 10 more indoor plants but they either only have a couple of pods each or are still just flowering. Here are the outdoor ones.
Orange Bhut - the biggest of the two, some smaller pods just started ripening so hoping to get a bit off this one. I got up to 50 pods last time I tried counting and then lost count. Some are quite undersize though:

These bushes here are all mostly green: Choc fatalii, Choc bhut (Thanks Swampy), two yellow morugas, 7 pot douglah and two 7 pot jonahs. A bit too jammed up but they're podding like mad:

Another 7 pot Jonah, Naga Morich, Reaper (although it's half dead from psyllids), two orange bhuts:

Hoping to get another one of these updates on here in a couple of month's time when they're all covered in ripe pods.
Your in-ground plants look really good. Bummer about the dorset naga not setting much. The photo looks slightly yellow, has it dropped many leaves?
Robisburning said:
Your in-ground plants look really good. Bummer about the dorset naga not setting much. The photo looks slightly yellow, has it dropped many leaves?
Hey nah it didn't drop many leaves, and although I did see some psyllids on it i sprayed them within a few hours so it won't be from them. I did use same ferts I use for everything else so yeah not sure. 
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey nah it didn't drop many leaves, and although I did see some psyllids on it i sprayed them within a few hours so it won't be from them. I did use same ferts I use for everything else so yeah not sure. 
I don't think we got them into big pots quick enough.
I re-potted one into a 30L about the same time you picked up yours and both had been in the 2L pot for a while.When you compare them to my 65L and 160L plants there is no comparison.
Also because they were smaller and it was still quite cold when they dropped their flowers they really did lose a lot of there production capacity while the bigger potted Nagas had a lot more flowers so losing some didnt matter as much. 
This is my smaller one and it pails in comparison to the others with much less and smaller fruit.
Is it still flowering? There is a stage of fruiting and flowering that really productive plants stay in where fruit is setting all the time while others ripen.  These plants also seem to grow continuously.
Others seem to flower, set a bunch of pods and then basically stop growing and flowering and just focus on getting pods mature. These plants don't normally do much after the pods ripen either as if the only objective was to get ripe pods produced and it has used everything to get there.
nzchili said:
Just picked up some of that yates success ultra to give it a try.
Hope its good, its expensive stuff!
Yeah dude that's the only thing that worked for me. Also, although it doesnt say on the box, I facebooked Yates and asked about the withholding period and they said its 7 days for peppers.
But yeah man, that stuff works, just make sure to spray tops and bottoms. Oh and just use the standard ratio of 1:200 i.e. 5ml of ultra per litre of water.
SentencedToBurn said:
Yeah dude that's the only thing that worked for me. Also, although it doesnt say on the box, I facebooked Yates and asked about the withholding period and they said its 7 days for peppers.
But yeah man, that stuff works, just make sure to spray tops and bottoms. Oh and just use the standard ratio of 1:200 i.e. 5ml of ultra per litre of water.
Ok cool, am interested to see how well it works.
Will have a spray tonight when it cools down a bit
I checked out Ultra the other day after reading about it here and noticed the absent with holding period, I was wondering about that.

I'm still undecided whether I'll go el natural next season again or meddle with some chemical warfare.
deerdog said:
I checked out Ultra the other day after reading about it here and noticed the absent with holding period, I was wondering about that.

I'm still undecided whether I'll go el natural next season again or meddle with some chemical warfare.
How has your season gone?  If things are going well you should do what is working for you.
Rush35 said:
You will soon decide once you lose a few plants....! I lost half of mine.
I went all organic this year.  It has been my best season.  My 2 tips for going organic:
Rainwater makes a massive difference.  I guess if you are relying on microbes to make your soil fertile it is best to use chlorine free water.
The other thing is using dolomite lime to offset the acidity of organic matter breaking down.  I throw a big handful or 2 down for every wheelbarrow of compost I put out.  I am not sure if those things are really obvious but they seemed to take me a while to either understand or implement.
My experience so far is the insects will look after themselves.  I see a couple of Psyllids on each plant but they don't seem to be doing any damage as yet.
For all the pros and cons of going organic if I could guarantee a massive pepper bounty by using inorganic fertilizers I reckon I would.
I've had a few ups and downs with Aphids this season but they were quickly pulled in to line. I do use tap water, maybe setting up a rain catchment system for the coming season though, it'd be so simple. Alot of the water I put in house #2 sits in a bucket for 24hrs, which is suppose to remove the chlorine via evaporation, I'd rather rain water stored in a manner that will bring it's temp up in to the high 20's at least.
I went out to pick a chilli for dinner last night, got a bit carried away and returned with this lot

I got home tonight and was shattered. Then Mrs DD turned up from her work and announced we were going out.
while she was in the shower I snuck one of my "Morugas" in to a zip-lock bag and in to my pocket. (Red chilli bottom right in the pic above)
The Thai place we went to was totally happy to add it to my red curry, Mrs DD didn't know what to do when I asked, she was well out maneuvered if I may say so. But after the starter, which they amped up noticeably my main arrived. The waitress, a loverly Thai Woman who is prolly part owner was overwhelmed that a simple meat and spud eating Kiwi had brought it's own chilli. I initially just asked for a small cutting board and a knife but she wouldn't have that on! If this chilli was going with my meal then she was presenting it herself.
Jesus suffering f**k!

I've been a bit harsh in my criticism of them, a million shu easy with that.......kinda metallic taste very similar to Dragon's Fury.
I'm thinking the place will become my regular.

Cunning Woman.
The garnish on top is about a quarter of it. Half was in big chunks and I reckon the last quarter had been ground up and added to the curry.

Rush35 said:
You will soon decide once you lose a few plants....! I lost half of mine.
I lost 2 or 3 this year to Aphids, my busy work schedule and the fact I could have saved them with a good squirt from the hose but didn't. Another four I removed from the houses due to ill-thrift. I used several different blends of potting etc in the  bag house this year, but I'm guilty of not writing down what was what.
I'm certain the ejecties all were from the same batch of soil I made.

Lesson learnt there, treat it as a business and not a hobby next year!
My biggest problem is actually night time temperatures. I had an in-house low of 13.7 last night.
deerdog said:
I've been a bit harsh in my criticism of them, a million shu easy with that.......kinda metallic taste very similar to Dragon's Fury.
Have you historically not been a fan of the morugas? It would have given that red curry a massive kick, what an awesome Thai place to serve it up
Nice harvest btw.
Lol mate, tonight was the second time I've ever tried anything claiming to be a Moruga. The first was a few days ago.
I'm still convinced it's some kind of hybrid, it should kick my ass more than it did.

Trademe seed and all.
Most of my working life I've grown a few random chillis, discovered Habs and bhuts last year, but this is the first year I've ever gone full out on them.
deerdog said:
Lol mate, tonight was the second time I've ever tried anything claiming to be a Moruga. The first was a few days ago.
I'm still convinced it's some kind of hybrid, it should kick my ass more than it did.

Trademe seed and all.
Most of my working life I've grown a few random chillis, discovered Habs and bhuts last year, but this is the first year I've ever gone full out on them.
Did it look like these?