• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

The Hollyberry Lady's summer flower and plant peeks...

Thanks, Badger!

Yes, in fact here's a shot I just took last night of another one - don't know the names sometimes because people mail cuttings to me, unlabelled!...


This is some kind of chicks and hens variety...


Just took this shot now too, of some Jade pieces I am rooting...


Here is an interesting one someone sent me from Texas...


: )
Cool! The one from Texas looks like some kind of Euphorbia - but it's been so long since I grew succulents I'm not sure.
very nice selection of plants HBL...

how many different varieties of peppers do you have growing?
Bingo Derek...I couldn't remember the name
I have a Christmas cactus and it's totally different than that one from Texas - unless there are different varieties?!!! My CC blooms every Fall.

Currently, I am growing over 20 different varieties of peppers - maybe close to thirty!!!

: O

Um yes Badger - I am a full-blown pepper-a-holic! Love to grow them for ornamental beauty and because they're so delicious too.

I will be showing more pics as my pepper plants develop - most are still seedlings but coming along. I just noticed one of my bhut jolokia seeds popped a few days ago too! Yipppeeeeee!

Well, thank you, guys - I am glad you like all the shots. I enjoy taking pictures and love it when plants are the subjects.

Have a terrific and super weekend. Our weather is just awesome right now.

: )
hey hbl...do you really like the taste of those ornamentals?...the little elf's, purple tigers, marbles, etc that I have grown have tasted like dirt to me...evidently I have been growing the wrong variety of ornamental...

do you like the chinense taste?
Badger said:
Cool! The one from Texas looks like some kind of Euphorbia - but it's been so long since I grew succulents I'm not sure.


Christmas cacti (Schlumbergera) are a lot thinner and only have two "lobes" IIRC. They are also more segmented than those you have.
I know...

its a Succulentis Thehollyberryladyafloria ;)
Yes, I enjoy the flavor of the ornamentals I grow. They are not of course as good as my Cayenne varieties but they are surprisingly tasty. Sorry, not sure what 'chinense taste' is!

Yes, here's a picture of my white Christmas cactus, and it looks nothing like the Texas plant. My CC produces beautiful white flowers all of Fall and into Winter too...


: )
by chinense I mean Scotch Bonnets/Habaneros/Trinidad varieties....
to me, the prettiest plant I grow is the Trinidad Scorpion...they are massive and produce such a neat looking pepper shape...and when they all start to ripen, the rainbow of colors is phenomenal