food The Hungover Chef

ok lemme try this one more time.............before.........
beef and 'penos are off to a good start, Chewi.

but that wine bottle looks full, might need a mod to move it to the Drunken Chef thread.....(MODS???ANYONE????)

It's all good, Chewi....when you're cooking with alcohol or under the influence the brilliance in the Drunken Chef thread. When you're hungover, making the (next-morning-breakfast-after-drunken-cheffing) post pics here in the Hungover Chef thread, with pics of the empties.

Not to worry, there's a place for all the cooking around here. And I'm looking forward to what you got cookin'~~~
Nice Chewi! I think I like where this is going, and I am liking it... Alot....
Meat, PeƱos... Yep. WIN!

I already scolded him SL. Put your whip away... (for now) xoxo!
ooh man i was on ambien for 2 years a while back, i would make omelets in the middle of the night. so i would wake up in the morning like wtf! i gained like 40 pounds in 2 months,lol. i once blacked out and when i got home room mate asked where have i been i answered i dont know,then i puled 3 molson ice aand a block of cheese out of my jacket. to this day i have no idea what happened,,those were the days, :rofl:
Ok, last night was Epic and great so this morning after I calmed down the alarm claxons going off in my head and got back from Indian Harbor picking up my future son for a weekend visit, it's time to break our fast.

This morning I'm making my Biscuits and Gravy

Easy stuff, brown the sausage


Add Flour Salt and pepper and let saute for a few minutes then add a pint of heavy cream and a quart of half and half and let thicken. I like to add a little browning sauce to it too for a bit of color


Biscuits not from scratch this morning




and I like a little sprinkle of Fatalli powder on mine


Yeah, just what I need before a day of Honeydew listin


Good Morning THP
Oh. My. Gaawwwwd!
I can build anything, tile, paint, etc. heck I can even vaccuum, and wash windows...

Can I come live with you? Will work for food.....
I really had to look for the required "dead soldier" empty booze container, but I found it! THe white plastic cup that says "Timber-" on it. ;)

And who cares if the biscuits ain't from scratch....after last night, they're probably just fortunate to have ANYTHING cooked this morning! Awesome looking grub, as usual, RM.
I am liking to be liking your biscuits and gravy very much so sir. That is one of my favoritestes breakfasts for a hangover. I should have made that this morning. :drunk: