food The Hungover Chef

Here it is Tuesday, and I'm still not plumb. twas worth it though. days like these I'm glad my job is hanging out in a shower.
here it is,,,,,,,a really crazy night ,so we all woke and cooked some gator and eggs at five in the morning!
texas .i once ate a deep fried texan


good looking gator, and at 5AM? too early for this chick~

I get up and have a cup of coffee and then off to work. Always been that way. Even when working food service and on the job at 5am and 6 am. I go to work, but then by 9:30-10:00am......It's the Little Shop Of Horrors..... FEED ME!
Drunken Chef Red Snapper Ceviche aboard the Ocean Intervention II

Okay yesterday's "last nights"(I'm the "darkside" on this one 1800-0600) fresh snapper ceviche ,was with Brian's Piney Hab Extreme. Today's "last nights" fresh snapper ceviche, "Drunken Chef Edition" ....2-3 # of snapper fillets cut into 1" cubes, 1 tbspn of Wayright's Hot Salt,1 tbspn course white/1 tbspn course black pepper, 6 smashed /diced garlic cloves, 1 red nion diced,1 red bell pepper diced, 6 green onions chopped, 1 large Yellow Fatalii diced, 1/8 cup of Yellow 7 Tequila sauce(I had no options.."Drunken Chef" version ;)!!!!!).Mix with hands only, let rest 25-20 minutes. Add the juice of:3 satsumas, 2 small lemons,2 small limes-shake bowl to mix(1/4-1/2 cup cilantro would go in here normally-but it had got mashed in the walk in cooler,so it was that pleasant gooey black mush),refrigerate 30 min,,,,,(or for 2 cold Shiners worth of time!) SCARF IT DOWN!

Special effects crew couldn't produce any actual bottle to lay about, so they used a cheesy paper stunt version....No fancy table in the galley, had to use my desk instead(i phones and fluorescent lights don't work well)...oh well
Gunslinger, I grew up with wayyyyy overcooked Red Snapper, (Mom). Therefore I HATE it!
But you have reached a level I never thought possible, That looks awesome, and we are going to try it!
We copied down your recipe, and come summertime, we'll make it. I NEVER thought I would ever see Red Snapper in my future again... Now I do. WOW!
It works on good frozen snappy too- ...and won't resemble any of that stuff our(looking both ways.....), moms cooked. For that matter any firm fleshed
salt water fish will do. Aside from that, don't get rough with the fish -I only handle it once after the cubing to do the initial mix before adding the juice.The shaking I describe is more of a swirling/circular motion-not actual shakin'......the flesh will start to break apart if ya get too rough. Ideal is fresh caught-deadly!If it smells fishy, and the flesh doesn't rebound when pressed, tell em to keep it!Good luck
So I know I know... no pics didn't happen but last night I got a good buzz so this morning had slight hangover... so for breakfast I had bean and cheese burritos with store hot sauce doctored by Pure Evil..... YUMTASTIC!!! Now I am ready for my day.Got a 5 year olds birthday to go to... oh boy! (Not really)
MEGAN! I am sooooooooo proud of you!
Pure Evil? Atta girl!

I should post here, I haven't seen this thread in a while.
I'm hungry, and I'm hungover. Hmmmmmmmm..........
I have to set up a new photobucket account and since our only internet is with our cellphones its a royal pain in the a$$.... sorry. Next weekend it'll be working for the Throwdown!!!