food The Last Great Pizza Thread

A tip for if your place is too cold for the rise, and you don't want to run the oven that long: Bring a cup of water to a boil in the microwave, then push it back in a corner of the microwave, put your dough bowl in there, then close the door. It will be warm enough for the dough to rise, and draft-free, without spending so much on power. Of course, make sure everyone in the house knows not to try to use the nuker! You want the door to remain closed the whole time.
*shudders* microwaves are banned from our kitchen.

They have their place. Like for
- boiling water in no time flat (I'm a tea drinker, so this is good)
- heating the occasional frozen dinner
- heating (certain) leftovers (won't do this with all leftovers)
- heating canned veggies (I don't usually use canned veggies, but I've found the micro-nuke can neither help nor harm their lack of flavor!)
- heating a wet sponge periodically to kill any micro-organisms that may get into it
- heating a hot gel pack (like one of the gel packs you slip into a casserole carrier to take it somewhere, or for a hot pack for injuries)
- thawing stuff you forgot to take out of the freezer on time
- storing things inside
- never, never, never for real cooking!
The one and only time I made 100% homemade pizza (meaning I made my own pizza dough) it cost a good bit more, took 3 hours, and was gone in 5 minutes.

I love it.....LOVE IT!!...but I just can't find the motivation to repeat it. The dough mix that requires hot water and a rise time (Martha White is awesome) really is a far as I'd ever go. Most of the time we use Boboli or Kroger pre-made crusts.

Pizza night at our house is, though, a very big deal. We all get together and buy our favorite toppings, press out our dough, and create our own individual pies. The best part is trying everyone's "inventions". It's a great time.....almost as much fun as fondue!

I do love watching the love you all are putting in to these!
They have their place. Like for
- boiling water in no time flat (I'm a tea drinker, so this is good)
- heating the occasional frozen dinner
- heating (certain) leftovers (won't do this with all leftovers)
- heating canned veggies (I don't usually use canned veggies, but I've found the micro-nuke can neither help nor harm their lack of flavor!)
- heating a wet sponge periodically to kill any micro-organisms that may get into it
- heating a hot gel pack (like one of the gel packs you slip into a casserole carrier to take it somewhere, or for a hot pack for injuries)
- thawing stuff you forgot to take out of the freezer on time
- storing things inside
- never, never, never for real cooking!

You forgot popcorn..... :party:
I can't wait to enter this thread. It's going to be a couple more days, but I may just have to start my dough tonight and let it rise in the fridge for a couple days. Hmmm now what am I going to top it with???
I can't wait to enter this thread. It's going to be a couple more days, but I may just have to start my dough tonight and let it rise in the fridge for a couple days. Hmmm now what am I going to top it with???

If theres no bacon on it, I will be soooo disappointed hehe :cheers:

I plan on multiple postings thats the beauty of this thread we can keep adding different pizzas we make.. kinda like a new drunken chef only for pizza! woohoo! :dance:
You know, I found it kind of peculiar that there was no mention of booze in teh rules. TB must still be on his diet...

And WM, oh yes, there will be bacon :cool:
You know, I found it kind of peculiar that there was no mention of booze in teh rules. TB must still be on his diet...

And WM, oh yes, there will be bacon :cool:

I allow myself a glass and a half of red wine a night. Thats it. For the resveratrol and medicinal porpoise's. Anyhooo....I did another pizza tonight. Piccy's manana...some of us get up at 4 am and work dontcha' know!! :lol:
Alright sports fans, here 'tis. Same dough but did it on the stone in the oven @500. (Ran out of lp gas on the deck) Rolled it out with a pin this time. Sauteed a couple habs, onion and garlic..


Then a couple handfuls of sliced button mushrooms...


Topped it with the mix then added low fat mozz and sundried toms. (Couldn't see opening a whole pack of goat cheese just yet. I'd just eat it all...)


Crispy but a little more chewy. I dig it.


I put the paietus too it and wolfed this baby!! Pic coulda' been better...


Now bring them pizza pics ya'll!