food The Last Great Pizza Thread

You using a stone? If not Pre grill plain dough on one side lightly. Take off. Dress the slightly cooked side how you like. Put back on grill, raw side down. Don't goo too hot or you'll burn it
I plan on using a stone.

I'm doing this on a kettle charcoal grill. I don't have an actual peel, how the hell do I get the dough onto the preheated stone?
Ditto - I just put the raw dough on the parchment, the toppings on, then slap it on the stone without parbaking. Having the stone good and hot usually does the trick for all except the thickest doughs.
Well with the stone, the other benefit is that it draws the moisture out of the crust.
With parchment paper between I would think that the crust wouldn't crisp/char.
Something I did - pre parchment - was to par bake the crust on a pizza pan (450º for 5 mins).

Then put the stone in the oven while I assembled the pizza (still on the pan).

By the time the pizza was ready to bake, the stone was hot (yup, I'm slow), and I was able to just slide the pizza from the pan to the stone.

Since I've discovered the joy of parchment....I have alot less burns! hahahaha

I'd like to start exploring the higher heat temps tho....and finishing w/ the broiler.
Well I am using a $30 charcoal grill and one half of the pizza completely burned to shit. My coals couldn't have been layed out any more even. After 10 minutes the top was was just above raw. The bottom on ONE side was comin along nice. Golden brown. At the same time the other side of the crust. BURNT TO SHIT.

The grill or the user? My vote is the cheap ass thin metal. I'm pissed. :mad:
Ah Bummer HTH!!!!
Don't give up - you'll find your method!

Didyaknow....charcoal (as in burnt bits) is an excellent adsorbent?? Good for tummy troubles...

just sayin'!!!!!! ;)
Hmmm.... strange, but I find paper very effective. Use it after peeing, use it to wipe up after spilling something, .......
Sorry HTH, didn't mean to not reply...

It wasn't the cheap ass thin metal. Theoretically, you should be able to put coals on your patio and bake over that.
Your coals were prolly heating up one side of the grill BEFORE you spread them out.
Just a guess... It could be any number of causes.

Here's the good news, you don't learn anything if it comes out perfect on your first attempt.

Keep at it! Trial and error my friend. It's called "Playing with your food" after all..
Couple pizzas done this arvo. Margarhita, vegetarian, meat lovers.

Then something special.............PIZZA POPPER SHOWSTOPPER

Started with a cream cheese base, topped with bacon bits, cheese mixture, hotdog and tasty cheddar stuffed crust, grilled jalapenos, more cheese and fresh mozzarella, OOOOH YEH

A little pizza porn for you all, (check the attached)


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