food The Last Great Pizza Thread

We could probably do that CJ. I would first have to decide which is my favorite pizza shop.

I'll decide for you.

I know what you like.

Hippy Pizza.

With soy flour pizza crust topped with organic Chia Pet sprouts and hermaphroditic east coast squid.

These are the flavours I'm craving tonight. Salty with a bit of acid to cut through the cheese. Pesto, capers and parmesan.

Dough: Dry; high gluten white flour, garlic salt. Wet; water, honey, yeast and some flour. Mix with hook until just combined. Rest 20 minutes. Proof 1 hour. Fold gently by quarters. Roll out and proof 2 hours with pesto and cheese.

Toppings: grated capricciosa, rough chopped capers and chunky chopped parmesan and finely diced white onion.


Ignore the chunk of's not coming off. My dog bit me because I f'kd with his bone and he was not happy. 60 kg (132 pounds) Malamute. Nuff said.


Dunno if this style has an Italian name yet. I call it awesomisimo.
DTS the crust looks well browned but still chewy.

Not a bad thing in my book.

Its just another style.

The capers are throwing me a little.

And I love capers.

With fish anyway.