food The Last Great Pizza Thread

Don't push it!!
I meant on pizza. It's a great pie.
FreeportBum said:
Great stuff pic1^^   Not the best picture but here's a pizza I made yesterday using no yeast only my wild sourdough starter. The sauce was roasted squash,manzano's,garlic,and fresh herbs all from my garden. Bacon and caramelized red onions on top. 
Great pie...I'm glad to see a non yeast dough. you must have used a high heat to brown the crust, yet keep the cheese intact. I bet the cheese had a nice pull to it.  Onions and diced bacon go great together....the onions on this pie looked to have quick sauteed though , just shy of translucent ...further down the road would reached caramelized and would have completely lost its color and circular shape.
The onions on your pie still have that bite to them . That's the way I prefer ......especially with sliced peppers and mushrooms.
Do you make any Artisan breads with your starter ?
PIC 1 said:
Great pie...I'm glad to see a non yeast dough. you must have used a high heat to brown the crust, yet keep the cheese intact. I bet the cheese had a nice pull to it.  Onions and diced bacon go great together....the onions on this pie looked to have quick sauteed though , just shy of translucent ...further down the road would reached caramelized and would have completely lost its color and circular shape.
The onions on your pie still have that bite to them . That's the way I prefer ......especially with sliced peppers and mushrooms.
Do you make any Artisan breads with your starter ?
Thanks you pretty much nailed the onions.  I have two different starter's I use one called a herman that is really sweet and uses milk to feed that is great for pancakes,cakes,etc.. The other is a rye/9grain starter that I use to make bread and pizza. I make fresh bread every weekend, you can't beat homemade bread or the smell of it cooking in the house.  
HigherThisHeat said:
Bacon and onion really is the best flavor combo ever.... especially raw onion on like a sandwich with bacon.... Mmmmm hmmmmmmmm
It's good indeed!If you have the chance and find a thing called 'nduja try it on pizza with onions, it's awesome. It's s a spreadable sausage made with pork and peppers, among the pork parts used there's belly and cheek lard (pancetta and guanciale).

I remade the last pizza with new yeast and 80% idro. So last time the failure was the yeast, it was ruined.

2 pizzas. On first i cooked all at once (10 low position + 5 2nd top. Marghertia + pancetta.
In the second i cooked 10 minutes with a bit of tomato, then 6 minutes high with grill adding other tomato and mozz.

Mozz was epic, mozzarella di bufala campana dop, very moist, i strained it 3 hours and in the second pizza was stii too much wet, in the first one was not burnt at all (probably the first time that this happens). And one of the best tasting.
In the second case maybe mozz was tasting stronger, but too wet.

And the heat?
I used some moruga powder... Men, that is strong! If you see the first slice... It was too much for me!
Btw i'm surprised by superhot powder, it actually tastes good, in some ways better than fresh pods, being really strong.

1st pizza:


2nd pizza


Also the dessert...
There's the awesome pie with chocolate, butter and eggs...
Here without butter and white chocolate, and a spoon of chcolate bht jolokia powder:



It was still liquid... But excellent in taste, the problem is that the original version is stil much better.
pizza heaven FreeportBum.. I might cook it a little less, but it looks just fine
damn this thread for making me go to bed hungry and waking up thinking what kind of pizza to do for lunch ..  I would take pizza for breakfast too.. and dinner.. and in between... hell, I'd take yerkindapizza at any hour
Essegi said:
That's a thing that sooner or later i want to make too!
Excellent looking pizza!
Of course i move, i'm not satisfied of my pizze since they must improve! :D
Posty up!
Thanks everyone. I have made a lot of pizza's to get to where I am very happy with the final product. this dough was all purpose flour,bread flour and maine grains sifted wheat with a slug of active sourdough starter.diastatic malt powder,Evo,kosher salt. I do a cold ferment for 24 hours then out of the refrigerator about 2 hours before tossing. The crust has a very pleasant rustic flavor,crispy yet soft and chewy if that makes sense. This pizza the fresh moz was the star. Which anyone can make at home easily. All you need is liquid vegetable rennet, citric acid, and a gallon of unpasteurized whole milk. All of which I get right at my local health food store.