• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

The Learning Continues

Tried again.... less fruit this time. 25 habaneros, onions, roasted garlic, roasted habanero flakes, carrots, vinegar, pineapple juice, lime juice, and salt. 2.9 pH.... Definitely more distinguishable flavors. Definitely hotter, but still maybe just a 5 out of 10. I'll taste it again tomorrow once everything marries up.



The color looks great and Im diggin the red hab specks.

That's why I did it. I've noticed people saying they like the specks!

Hey, if you guys have any pointers, I sure would appreciate you throwing them at me. I know you can't really say much just by looking at a picture, but ingredients-wise, feel free to critique. I want to hear stuff like "why the hell did you put THAT in there???" .... speaking of, I forgot to mention bananas in my ingredients for this one.
Bananas? Why the hell did you put that in there?
Just kiddin' :)
I really like the fruity sauces ( Pineapple, mango, berries etc.). I don't think I've had a sauce with nanners in it but can't see how that wouldn't work. I initially thought the color might darken after a while from the bananas, but guessing the citric acid from the pineapple, and lime will take care of that.
I'm curious to hear how this turns out in the next couple of days.
HA! I used nanners because I've seen it on ingredients lists of different commercial hab sauce labels. I guess I just connect the two in my mind.... habs/nanners. That, and it helps thicken the sauce without making it too chunky like salsa.

Yeah, I'm sorta curious about the color, too. It looks like it's got pumpkin in it. I'd like to find a way to go from that pumpkin color to a deeper orange.... not quite red, but deep orange. I'm thinking about taking this same recipe and tossing a couple of tablespoons of cayenne powder in it. OOoooooohhhhh, preeeeetttyy......

Edit: or strawberries.... yeah.... strawberries
hahahaha HNB. I was itching to say the same thing. hahahahaha

That dog'll hunt Phil. With as much passion as you are putting into your sauce development,
You are bound to come up with a winner!
And there will be no critiquing or advice from me, I am no sauce maker. :mope:
I'm not a sauce maker either.. And agree with Scovie as much time and effort your putting in to your sauce you will get it exactly the way you want it.
There are several on here that are very good in saucin it up and could give you some good professional advice.
Well, I used some Plantains in one so why not bananas. Just have to be careful how much you use. I used way too much Plantain in the one I made and the starch from the soaked up all the heat. Sauce tasted good just no heat. What fun us that:(
Well, I used some Plantains in one so why not bananas. Just have to be careful how much you use. I used way too much Plantain in the one I made and the starch from the soaked up all the heat. Sauce tasted good just no heat. What fun us that ;)
Looking good.
You want to kick the heat higher you say?
For that number of bottles I would say 49.25647 Habs....so err round it up to 50.

You could increase the carrot to get more orange on top of what the extra habs add or toss in 3 or 4 strawberries for the reds, Razzleberries work good too :lol:
toss in some blood....I've heard that's got a pretty good red color to it.

Sauce looks killer, on a more serious not, raspberries have a very concentrated dying effect.

although now that I think of it, it sounds like you are wanting more of a sandy/brick red than a fuschia you might get from the raspberries.
Throw in a communist

Side note: what volume are you ending up with before bottling? Is that a dozen 5oz bottles you end up with? I got a fairly decent heat from 2.5 pounds of red hab. About 100 pods... Ended up with just shy of 2 gallons of sauce after blending and straining twice. Also let it sit a day or two to let everything meld :)
Kalitarios, I'll typically use about 3 pounds if peppers to the other ingredients in a 1 gallon fermentation. Gives good heat and the flavor if the peppers is t completely lost in the background. 1 gallon is 128 ounces divides into 5 ounce bottles should yield 25 bottles with a bit left over.