• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

The Learning Continues

Tried again.... less fruit this time. 25 habaneros, onions, roasted garlic, roasted habanero flakes, carrots, vinegar, pineapple juice, lime juice, and salt. 2.9 pH.... Definitely more distinguishable flavors. Definitely hotter, but still maybe just a 5 out of 10. I'll taste it again tomorrow once everything marries up.


Throw in a communist

Side note: what volume are you ending up with before bottling? Is that a dozen 5oz bottles you end up with? I got a fairly decent heat from 2.5 pounds of red hab. About 100 pods... Ended up with just shy of 2 gallons of sauce after blending and straining twice. Also let it sit a day or two to let everything meld :)

Da, komrade!

Yep. One dozen 5 oz. bottles, so that's about a half gallon. I'm trying to use my frozen habs from last season to practice with before this year's peppers start coming in. I have between 50-75 pods left. I have one dozen empty bottles left. I'm going to use all of the remaining peppers in the next batch. I'll also throw in some roasted tomatoes and garlic. I want to have it right so I don't have to experiment too much with some of the more vibrant peppers I have growing this year.
Sure! I'll post pics in this thread once the roasted red is made and we can swap out. And PLEASE don't hesitate to rip it to shreds and give it any criticism it deserves. My pwecious wittle feewings don't get hurt very easily. Help me learn, man! Much appreciated!

Kinda like this ghost pepper sauce I made last November. Basically the same base ingredients, but change the pepper and see how it chages the flavor


If I get some chocolate habs to grow this year, I wanna try a wine (cabernet sauvignon) based hot chocolate sauce
I did that... just not with chocolate habs. Got rave reviews during a "blind" taste test at a football party... reduced the volume of the liquid by over 50% and people went bananas for it. I can only imagine what the chocolate habs would be like

A big'ol THANK YOU to Phil!!!

I received your sauce in the mail today!!! :woohoo:

Damm fine sauce! I cannot detect any one ingredient (a good thing IMO). A little on the vinegry side but that's ok. The flavor is a tad fruity, but not sweet. Great flavor. I want to dump this on Pizza! I will try it on White Beans like you suggested, that just sounds awesome. I know you are still developing this sauce, but man you are on to something here.
It's got a thin consistency, which I like. Although a reducer would inhibit the pour. Little bits in there but I would not call it chunky.
The heat is spot on for my liking. I would say a 6 out of 10... 1 as in ketchup, and 10 being a drop by drop type sauce. You could go a bit hotter, but too much, and then I would need to use it drop by drop. I like to pour! Fantastic sauce, really.

My only suggestion would be to tighten up the viscosity a tiny bit, and cut the vinegar down if you can, but I like vinegar so.....
Overall, a very good sauce, It won't last too long! Good Job Phil and Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I don't feel like this feedback was very helpful, but I am no reviewer! I like the sauce, what can I say? lol

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Thanks bro. And I agree with those points. A tad too thin. A bit heavy on the vinegar. Ya know what I was thinking about this sauce since it's so thin and vinegary? I was thinking.... hey..... maybe it would make a better meat marinade than a food additive! Thanks for the input!

And your table makes the color of the sauce a lot better! lol!
Oh damm! Marinate a flank steak with some of that sauce! OMG.

I was thinking I should have put a white table cloth under the sauce bottle because it looked a little washed out. lol
Just an iPad pic too.
Alright Scovie. I took your advice. This one's thicker, bolder, less vinegary... 3.6 pH.

Smoked tomatoes, smoked habs (about 75 of them... everything I had in the freezer), roasted hab flakes, roasted garlic, doubled the carrots (I took your advice on that one, JAG), cabernet sauvignon (Kalitarios, thank you!), red wine vinegar, white vinegar, kosher salt.... and one secret ingredient I'm gonna keep to myself. No, it's not a liquor.

There was only enough to fill five 5 oz. bottles after straining. But I think I've got something with this one.


And seriously.... take that bottle I sent you and soak some ribs in it for a couple of hours. Best use for it!
I strained it twice.... once through a larger mesh, then again through a finer mesh... then I smooshed the pulp against the finer mesh with a spoon to make sure some pulp got in to keep it thick. I guess some seed bits soft from cooking made it through

very interesting. Wanna exchange a bottle for bottle? hit me up... I have a similar sauce of red habs, butternut squash, cider vinegar, red wine, onions and garlic. I eat it on everything!

Got my new batch ready. Still up for a trade?
That picture right there is a thing of beauty.
If I could possibly have one of those bottles, I will definitely make it worth it.
I never ask for stuff, (especially publicly) it sounds crass but I really want to taste that.

My mouth is watering right now....
Did you get that color change in the orange one by only adding more carrots?

Beets are kicking! I had never eaten fresh beets in my life. Here I was raised on a farm and never even tasted a fresh beet. My Mom tried but, I wasn't goin for it! They are very sweet and would add a terrific flavor to sauce. Just added some to my latest batch of kimchee and snacked on them the whole time I was cuttin-n-washin vegetables. The color is crazy. I bet just a very small chunk would give a hot sauce a crazy hot color.

I'm gonna put some in the sauce I have fermenting now. Just need to get an SD card and sit down and figure out how to do the photo thing here.

Both of those sauces of yours looks outta- sight good Bro!
Beets... wow, I hadn't even thought of that, but heck yeah, I can see how that would work! For my deeper color, I smoked the tomatoes and peppers, doubled the carrots, and since I backed way off on the vinegar, I made up for it by adding soy sauce... helped with the color, salt, and pH level. I won't be duplicating this recipe though... the smoke flavor was a bit overwhelming. It tasted good on my Wendy's chicken sandwich, but its uses are so limited because of the heavy bbq flavor.

I bought a big flat of strawberries yesterday... thinking a scotch bonnet/strawberry sauce. Might be interesting! I got an orange based ghost sauce that I ordered from SalsaLady today.... very tasty and sweet! Perfect pork glaze! I'm thinking I may try something in the sweet/hot category. Everything else I've done has been heavy salt, so far (think Louisiana or Crystal brand salty)

Maybe one day I'll get brave enough to try a proper mash ferment. Scared of doing it wrong and getting someone sick.