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The new ME

I've decided to join the ranks of the environmentalist group and spend more time with the trees. I;m joining this group and I'll be in the forrest for while. Be back in a few weeks. Pray for me and the trees..

get a grip lady! & the rest of them too!
yes it's nice to see old growth vs plantation growth, but I'm not gonna loose any sleep over it, I'm not a tree hugger!
I like the disbo that said the rock had an incredible life, these are the people that want control our lives via the environment.
That is some funny stuff.....

What they need to do is go chop some trees down and make a fire to heat up some water and have a nice warm bath...and shave there armpits.....:lol:
moyboy said:
What they need to do is go chop some trees down and make a fire to heat up some water and have a nice warm bath...and shave there armpits.....:lol:

Have a bath? Shave? :shocked: Are you nuts? That would mean to destroy their crab lice's natural habitat!

imaguitargod said:
Save a tree, eat a beaver. :lol:

DickT said:
I like the disbo that said the rock had an incredible life, these are the people that want control our lives via the environment.

I got a good laugh out of that idiot saying the rock had a good life. that right there is straight jacket approved! & with its own padded cell!

by your guys terms of tree hugger, well then yes I'm a tree hugger also, come mid sept. - dec. (hunting season up in a treestand)
chilehunter said:
I got a good laugh out of that idiot saying the rock had a good life. that right there is straight jacket approved! & with its own padded cell!
Ok, we all know I should be in a padded cell with a straight jacket....but I'm going to furthur cement that fact.

I completely agree that that rock probably had a amazing life. One thing I've learned is that everything is alive (science still can't agree on what life really is). We are all made up of the same things in the end just aranged differently.

Imagine what that rock has seen through it's extremely long life. The seasons, the people, possably the complete evolution of this planet. Now that is an amzing life and when we all cease to be, it will still continue. :high:
As in Dizzy Bimbo right? That's some people that REALLY need to fit in somewhere so they scream about trees and rocks. I was so expecting to see PMD in there.