contest The Next Throwdown is...

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C'mon guys, don't be weenies! Look at this as a chance to get wacky, but also with a keen sense of competition. Can you do this? YES! Key here is contrast. And YES - use blue food dye - just get crazy, have fun with it, but also seriously try to make the best-looking blue food you can possibly come up with. Do you come up with something you think is a total fail? Post it anyway - EVERYONE who enters will be challenged by this, including me!
i could think of a half dozen ways to get interested if it were indigo, but it's "blue" ...

purple corn chips, purple potatoes, plums/prunes, grapes, eggplant ...

but blue ... i got nothin' ... could suck dyed water into celery ...

i dunno much about blue food, i guess ...
Don't limit your thinking - there are many blues. Examples include ultramarine, prussian, cyan, cerulean, cobalt......

.... and yes, indigo.

I don't find blue all that appetizing, generally speaking ...
And that is exactly the challenge of it. Food is generally not blue, so our brains don't automatically click on it. That's part of why you have to just decide to let loose and have fun with it - do your best to make it appealing, but make sure your sense of humor is at full throttle!
LOL - Whatever works for you!

This is a good one to get little kids involved in, especially if you're stuck trying to figure something out.
Hope it works out, I'll cook blue fish stuffed with blue cheese over roasted blue potatoes and served on blue corn tortilla chips and a side of blueberry vodka punch..
LOL! Yeah, I knew there was no way you'd really go for that. Still, it WOULD be a challenge, and I know I would laugh my tush off the entire weekend if you ever went for it.
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