contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Booma, here's a link to the Wikipedia article on short ribs, which includes some of the names they go by.... hope it helps!
I'm going SUPER FOO on this one.

If it all works out, I'll be surprised. I have to go to four different grocery stores to get the stuff I need.
I learned to cook from 2 beautiful people; my mom and my grandmother. The first lessons they taught me will be followed for this TD. First was to use the K.I.S.S. principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. The Second was one my mom always said, Simplicity In Itself Is Elegance.

Loving it!
Yeah, Wheebz how you gonna get the corn through the injector? Or does you injector have a special cornhole?
No its not dirty like that. You are twisting it. I simply asked Wheebz if his marination injector has a cornhole setting. :rofl:

You know because it would be hard to get the corn through the regular injector.
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