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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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JoynersHotPeppers said:
Costco carries U8's but still, not my cup of tea. I'll see if I can source some
that's a full third smaller ...
those are never-frozen ... which is hard to even find for shrimp, with most getting frozen on the processing boats these days, I believe I read ...
i'm just fucking around anyways - i haven't re-purchased any either, because they are costly ...
Be careful...No F'ing with the Boss's TD rules.

Ok, I just firmed up my idea. Assuming 1) BOSS doesn't throw a total foul ball and 2) I can find pork belly and 3) my getting creative doesn't cause an unnatural disaster of epic proportions, I'm in.
If it turns out tasting like something that should have been left well enough alone, I'll go ahead and post,
but the post will have a lot of these in it: :rofl:
But I honestly think it will turn out well, hopefully even better than I expect. In that case, my post will have these in it: :woohoo:
So far, calls to local places about pork belly has yielded:
"I can sell you pork stomach, but not pork belly."
"Yes, but you have to call in the morning and ask for it before we make it into bacon."
That last one was from Whole Foods. I hope to find it less-expensive than I'd likely get it there, but at least I know of an option.
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