contest The Next Throwdown is...

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The Hot Pepper said:
Because cooking indoors is.... ?
An illusion in the world of Pookie, sure I could do my pork belly some other way but both methods I had planned for cooking involve outside and the weekend forecast is sh1tty. 
Walmart pork belly product? 
The Hot Pepper said:
Because cooking indoors is.... ?
I like cooking indoors, personally, but I mean ... Floriduh on that one ... too fucking muggy ...
I remember tctenten complaining about the humidity in Florida *IN THE WINTER* ... in the eighties ...
Come back in August for some hunny-hun (100F and 100%) ...
The Hot Pepper said:
I am not whining at least lol....
I know how to make it rain ...
1) Check
2) Check
3) Check
4) Check
5) Will be obtained tomorrow at a specialty store
6) Check
Any chance you can start this, oh, say... 11am Eastern tomorrow? Will be out of town on Saturday and lunch time tomorrow is going to be the best time to shop for ever'thang else that may be needed. Then I can at least get some prep done in the evening so I'm not running into the deadline on Sunday. Pretty please?  :D 
I am curious to see if 1010 and I have a similar theme in our entries or if they are profoundly different. Should be interesting, either way.
geeme said:
I am curious to see if 1010 and I have a similar theme in our entries or if they are profoundly different. Should be interesting, either way.
I think we are going to see different things with this group of ingredients. Should be fun. My wife told me she likes my idea, then proceeded to ask if I had to make it hot.

Huh? What? I think she forgets this is a hot pepper forum.
The Hot Pepper said:
Sheeeeit. Them dudes have more culinary skills in their Pampiniform venus plexus , than I would have if Fabio Batali himself were in my kitchen!
True story~

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