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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     What the huh? A Cubs fan in Missouri?! There aren't even Cubs fans where I live! 
     But yeah. You're due!
I grew up in Southern Louisiana and we didn't have a professional team then. One of my best friends was from Chicago in high school who always watched the Cubs after school and I figured if I can cheer for the Saints I can cheer for the Cubs. lol.
When I got to my present congregation, I was asked, "Are you a Rams fan or a Chiefs." I said I'm a Saints fan. Then they asked me if I was a Cardinals or a Royals fan. I said I was a Cubs fan. They walked out of the room in disgust. lol.
I am trying to make a thing of it...ya know be a bit more active. Plus it is fun and delicious! Now if only I can remember to title it and take photos with coins and follow all the instructions lol..... :rofl:
Untitled 1.jpg
Student of Spice said:
I only did it with the uncooked food, I forgot to take it with the final dish.
You only need coins with one of the pictures doesn't have to be in final pic. Most do it with the ingredients pic. 
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