contest The Next Throwdown is...

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How about a sushi/ sashimi TD?


Remember that one OldSalty picked a bit back, the chopped theme? That would be fun to incorporate into this next TD, especially if we do something like seafood or even a pizza as Grant suggests. Plus alot of people spend money around the fourth on family bbq's, fireworks, drinks, so maybe doing pizza would keep the cost low so more people can be involved like this last one. But seafood sounds fantastic right now too. Pizza Chopped Style with a basket of seafood ingredients?
The July 4-Food Groups TD!
So yeah... not those four food groups from your childhood, 4 things on a plate. Not 4 max, not 4 min, 4 exact! Everyone does 4. If your four are pork ribs, pork n beans, pork sausage, and pork... so be it! Haha, but I think you have better ideas.
This is an outdoor cooking weekend. The idea stems from 4th of July BBQs where you stand in line at the grill, someone puts ribs and a burger on your plate. Then you walk to a table and spoon some potato salad and plop some banana pudding on the same plate. Paper plates for bonus points, and yes, all on one plate!
The name July 4-Food Groups is cheeky, the "group" is one food item, 4 on a plate. Celebrate the 4th with THP! All cooking to be done outdoors except prep cooking for "ingredients" for outdoor cooked food, and baking of bread and dessert only. That means pizza and any "entree" baking must be done outdoors, but if part of an entree (an ingredient for), like slider buns, can be done indoors. If bread is served alone, like jalapeno cornbread, it does count against your 4 and must be done outdoors. Any dessert, or salad (or prep like boiling potatoes) can be done indoors. So plan accordingly. If you want to deep fry better have a turkey fryer handy unless it is prep.
Starts Fri July 1 ends Tues July 5 am to include holiday and sober posting. ;)
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