contest The Next Throwdown is...

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paulky_2000 said:
Let's get some cross-chatter going!!
I'll be cooking Sunday night. No surprise what I'll be making.....
We were doing it anyway......and I'll simply invite you all in to see how much fun it is.....and maybe get you to have it often at your own tables. :)
By the way.....we don't just do the cheese and bread......we do meats and seafood and sauces and other cool stuff (that can't be judged at this time....but are all part of the experience!)
I can't wait to share it with you all!
Nice! I love fondue. I was thinking about doing that too but probably going to try something different.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Hmmm. I haven't made a New Year batch of hoppin' John lately. 

     ...and I still have a metric shit-ton of greens in the freezer. The chard got YOOJ this season! 
I've never had it, let alone made it, actually - but, it is inexpensive, people seem to really dig it, and it's photogenic ...
I liked the first swiss chard that I bought and made, which I think had pink stems, but then I bought something different the next time and didn't care for it. I'm not sure if there is something about the color that made the flavor difference or if it was age (maybe older is more bitter?) but would be willing to try it again.
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