August is...
The Hot Sauce Challenge
You must make, from scratch, a hot sauce tailored for a specific food, and serve it with that food.
You must list all ingredients of your hot sauce, including measurements.
Take us through the process in your teaser pics.
Name your hot sauce. If you wish to go as far as graphics, even better.
Presentation pic 1 is the finished hot sauce either bottled or in the pot, in a bowl, etc.
Presentation pic 2 is the dish you cooked (or prepared) for the hot sauce, with the hot sauce on it.
Ingredients and cooking methods of dish required.
The definition of hot sauce is ANY sauce with hot peppers designed for a specific food. It may be cooked or uncooked, and served hot, at room temp, or chilled. Moles and curries... traditional hot sauces with complementary flavors... BBQ for a specific cut... fra diavolo marinara... taking a sauce already designed for something and making it hot... hot tartar sauce for fish and chips... waffle sauce... dessert sauce... this thing is totally open! Let's see your sauce creations!
Your idea should be fresh and new, something you'd bring to market, not just your average sauce. So if it is traditional put your spin on it. If it is broad, like an everyday sauce, think of what complements the dish you are making and tailor your hot sauce, because that's the theme here.
Begins Friday!
We've never focused on the sauce before, we've always done it the other way around. About time, for a hot sauce forum!
This is for fun and to turn people on to your creations, obviously, do not enter a product you are actually marketing unless you want to give out your recipe.