contest The Next Throwdown is...

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I tried. :(
"Fatal error 440444: Twisp smoke signals are not included in your data plan."
Just don't say "Dude, You're on FIRE!" or "Wow, that's SMOKIN' hot!" around here right now. 
Prime Time- :lol:  Thanks, I got continuity.  ;)  I may short circuit every now and then, but I can amp up when needed.  Wattever it takes!  :cool:
SHEESH!  We've had some looting going on around here after the fires and the power was out.  Dang It Scovie!  You jacked my I-net hardware!
I think this one will be right up my alley... 
Glad the boss chose this one for my first one back....
I'ma gonna check my refer and see if anything pops out for inspiration. 
AJ, whatever you make, I guarantee I will be wishing I was there to partake~
The Hot Pepper said:
not yet, Boss, license is not finalized....:cool:  ;)
Refer.. not reefer.....  Not into the latter even though I'm getting licensed for it.  Just re-wine and the former.  Crazy, huh? 
What the hell is refer??? You are referring to a recipe?

sorry, it comes from electrical speak...
We put the REFRIGERATOR on a separate circuit and label it in the electrical panel as the "refer".....(pronounced reefer in the field but spelled refer in the panel schedules)
Small joke, that's all~
we gotta get our "licks" in where we can!  :lol:
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