Thanks. Weird Al sould do a spoof like that.stillmanz said:lol very nice reworking of a classic.
Thanks. Weird Al sould do a spoof like that.stillmanz said:lol very nice reworking of a classic.
LUCKYDOG said:What are the prices on that John? I remember signing up so time ago excited to see the time is near
AlabamaJack said:so we have to order from your website?
theHippySeedCo said:Habs in eye, No Hot Hab in eye Double OUCH
that woulda been Painful and my wife wouldn't have beeen so nice as she already knows im insane and prob Ban me from playing with chillis,, already banned from the house lol
Here is Josh, with the most stupid thing ive seen for Ages
josh gets some1 to shoot a Habanero coated dart into his eye On Purpose
so multiply Josh's pain X 220 Degrees, yea dude OUCH. is the eye any better ?