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the person below me

I've had TScorp powder mixed in chocolate sauce, then put on ice cream, just not sprinkled on.

TPBM thinks that would be good with cinnamon added, too.
Don't have to think. I know it is. A few drops of lemon juice on top of it all kicks it home for me.

TPBM ќе дојде да ми помогне стомакот лубеници за да заработат повеќе HABermelon.
While I'm normally curious and so would translate that, I'm in the midst of homework (just taking a break) and don't wanna. So I'm going to respond with: 13 degrees East of North, up a ladder, and then 5 degrees to the right from there, yes.

TPBM wonders what the heck my son is cooking in the kitchen right now.....
While I'm normally curious and so would translate that, I'm in the midst of homework (just taking a break) and don't wanna. So I'm going to respond with: 13 degrees East of North, up a ladder, and then 5 degrees to the right from there, yes.

Close, but I found it is easier to skin them

TPBM wonders what the heck my son is cooking in the kitchen right now.....

Scrambled eggs and some pancakes?????

TPBM will be able to smell what he is cooking and tell us
Turned out to be hash browns and bacon ~~~~ AND I DIDN'T GET ANY!!!!!

TPBM thinks that is cruel and unusual punishment and so will fix a late breakfast for me (I'll share.)
No, but if you're not already doing it, I would recommend you start taking Zicam (or any other zinc supplement) AS SOON as you start getting signs of a cold, next time. It really does seem to shorten both the severity and duration of colds for me, as long as I start taking it right away. You might consider starting to take it now, anyway, as it will still help boost your immune system in the meantime.

TPBM will fix some hot chicken soup for LDHS.
No, I'm wondering if I'll finish this beer I just opened, sometime tonight, or in the next few days.

TPBM likes green tea with honey.
Sigh.... can't deny it. It's true. And mango green tea sounds really good right now.

TPBM thinks I typically drink more alcohol than I really do.
Well, I can MAKE UP plenty of answers that SEEM plausible. Like booze only kills brain cells if you drink it in excess, such as on Mondays and Wednesdays, in addition to Fridays and Saturdays, and on every other full moon, plus when Venus lines up with Mercury at midnight, Central Time. Oh, and only if you're left-handed when all that is going on.

TPBM knows that's a load of c---
Well, I didn't do something important, by it was by choice rather than forgetfulness. Maybe I will do one of the two important things today, or at least get it started; the other cannot be done today.

TPBM wants to help me with my taxes.
No, I'm still babying my injured adductor today. Tomorrow, though, could be another story!

TPBM wants some strawberry Jello with whipped cream.