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the person below me

Yes and no. Just left a client project that was stressing me, but just started into research paper time. Oh the joys of deadlines.....

TPBM finds my research paper topic interesting - it's a compare and contrast between Baule and Asante gold jewelry and the customs surrounding their making and use.
Zzzzzzzz....snort...yawn....scratch...scratch...blink.. ..sorry, whazzat? You started to say something 'bout your paper & i must've drifted off...

TPBM thinks I'm wise and knowing.
No, but how about if you look for what I'm looking for while I look for what you're looking for.... maybe if we look for each other's looked-fors, we'll find both!

TPBM had no problems following that, even though they are standing on their head.
About the potential economic impact on Sierra Leone if the Llama was to become extinct? Correct!

TPBM knows why without having to look anything up.
Nah..... I think I've been loud-mouthed enough that you guys have a fairly good idea that I can be serious and have a sense of humor.
BTW - Since Llamas aren't indigenous to Sierra Leone, while their extinction would be a sad thing and impact a couple other countries economically, it would have little to no economic impact on the country of Sierra Leone.

TPBM now feels edumacated.
Nope, finally just got out of bed! Well, for the second time today - this time was MUCH better than the 1st time! haha

TPBM like chocolate syrup in their coffee
Sort of.... I'm not a coffee fan, typically. But cinnamon and honey also sound like good add-ins to, say, hot chocolate.

TPBM is ready for dinnertime.
Not even close - had eggs Benedict for breaffas and still kinda full. Picked up some Morton's tri-tip at costco though and might be making that for din din in about 3-4 hours.

TPBM is wondering why I keep forgetting to post TPBM statements even though I'm stone cold sober. :high: